Here’s a thought I have been having as of late, my friend:


Human beings, in and of themselves, can’t be anything but a normal human being. There is no right, no wrong, no inbetween. Simply put, to be human is to be human. There is no higher level we can reach aside from being human. No greatness can ever truly be achieved, through any means.


Case in point-

I like you. You seem OK. And other people might feel the same way. Granted, my opinion may or may not based upon very different things than the next person. This is, however, irrelevant. The important thing is, you’re OK in my book.


Thing is, though, that somewhere out there, this is someone that hates the kind of person you are. You seem like a smart person, but someone out there might hate people that come across as being “too smart” (i.e., you assess yourself as smart, you can’t help but give your opinion or insight on a topic, you always have an idea to solve a problem, etc.). Perhaps they themselves feel they lack a level of intelligence they would prefer to possess, or maybe you remind them of someone that actually pissed them off in the past because they were too smart. Whatever the case may be, you belong to a group of people that some other people hate.


Along these lines, let me offer a counter point-

You might not like me. You might think people that like music no one else has ever heard of and goes on and on about how much better some obscure band is in comparison to “mainstream music” are the worst kind of person in the world. Or you might dislike people that don’t care what they look like in public (for the most part) with your entire being. You belong to a group of people, then, that hates another group of people.



I’m not talking about race or religion, not talking about class or creed. I’m simply talking about the kind of people we all are. Each one of us is someone that someone else hates.


In this, there is nothing special about any of us. We all belong and are just as equally hated by various groups of people/persons. We each live as we are and are either loved or loathed for it by anyone and everyone, all the time.

In this, we are all simply human.




And that, my friend, is why I think we have so many problems as a species; if we would simply realize we all belong to one group, one very specific and important collection of people, then strife would cease to play a factor in the world. If we could simply see each other as human beings and not as snobs, or pretentious art fucks, or hippies, or intellectuals, or tools, or yuppies….


If we stopped and saw each other as humans, we would exist as humans and nothing else would matter.




I want so desperately to love everyone and appreciate each persons very humanity… but in the face of overwhelming hate from every corner of the Earth, how can a single ray of light break through and teach the masses?



Added September 15, 2016
Should have titled this post “Example 103,200,321 of Young Skyler Failing a Rant”

Facebook – Comment and I’ll Make you Some Rad Shiz

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations so please read carefully:

– I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
– What I create will be just for you.
– It’ll be done this year (2009).
– You have no clue what it’s going to be. It will be something made in the real world and not something cyber. It may be a mixed CD. It may be a poem. I may draw or paint something. I might bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure! [not me either]
– I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

And in return, all you need to do is post this text into a note of your own and make 5 things for 5 others.

If you reply to this, please send your mailing address. xoxo.

Here’s hoping we can spread a little love.


I STOLE THIS FROM AMANDA K! SHE CAN’T PROVE IT, HOWEVER (aside from using this very text…)!

Added September 20, 2016
Not only did I get no comments, but I don’t believe I ever got anything in return from commenting on Amanda’s note. Bummer, dude.

Facebook – Uh, Music

So I found out today that a theory I had about myself was in fact right.

I love all music.


FACT: Lacuna Coil, a group I thought used to suck ass through a straw, actually has some strong points. Worth listening to.


Now I love all music.



Added September 20, 2016
While I’ve toned down on this feeling somewhat since, I mostly stand by my claim that I’m open to all types of music. Just the other day I told someone that I had problems reconciling my taste in music against my taste in music. I’m listening to my iPod on alphabetical order by song title and it just jumping from genre to genre more than I think anyone else’s iPod I know. I assume, anyhow.
FACT, THOUGH: Lacuna Coil sucks.

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Epilogue

That’s all there is,
nothing more than you can feel,
that’s all there is.

Cancer of the mind, cancer of the soul.
Multiple beatings have taken their toll.
Early to bed, early to rise,
is more painful than I would surmise.

Bloodied and bruised by cold light of day,
a man can’t live without something to say.
Early to bed, early to rise,
keeps me from wanting to sever the ties.

Cancer of the body, cancer of the heart.
Saw all this coming, but not from the start.
Early to bed, early to rise,
leaves more time open for me to despise.

Beaten and broken at every last turn,
enough oil behind with which to burn.
Early to bed, early to rise,
overworks a man until he dies.

Added March 25, 2016
This blog was mostly retaliatory in nature. Its name was even a play on the name of the Russian’s Live Journal account (I think it was like Lies Unspoken or something). I used it as an outlet to vent and do other things, but mostly just to be annoying and self-aggrandizing with lame poetry like this. I’ll go into more detail about the birth of this blog, later on.
This poem isn’t the worst I’ve written, but it really does suck.
This was the supposed to be the final post on the blog, hence “Epilogue”, but obviously… that didn’t quite happen.

HM – The Continuing Ballad of TMaraReX and HentaiMcToonboob

HentaiMcToonboob: so i want to make a post across all wavelengths that surmises our entire relationship up to this point

TMaraReX: i think you mean summarizes, but I can’t be sure.


HentaiMcToonboob: …thinkin’ you’re right

TMaraReX: “thinkin'” you’ve got your post right here

Added September 16, 2016

Frequently Mentioned Truths – Mandango Eulogy

The Ballad of Skyler and Tamara:


HentaiMcToonboob: so i want to make a post across all wavelengths that surmises our entire relationship up to this point

TMaraReX: i think you mean summarizes, but I can’t be sure.


HentaiMcToonboob: …thinkin’ you’re right

TMaraReX: “thinkin'” you have your post right here.

Last night I was made of fire.
Today I’m made of ash.


HentaiMcToonboob: shut up about it though

HentaiMcToonboob: sometimes i’m a total moron

TMaraReX: keep it up, short round. your post is just going to get more and more accurate.

Added March 25, 2016
Tamara was… a necessary evil. Not the person, just… the time in my life that I knew her. Mistakes were made, likely entirely on my part. I don’t want to delve too much into it here, some people deserve privacy and though I don’t suspect things past what I post will ever come to light I don’t feel like being responsible for hurt feelings.
Just want to say that I am an ass when I’m hurt. To myself and to others. And though I absolutely love where I am now and how happy I am with my life, the road here is rife with regrets.