Frequently Mentioned Truths – I Looked to the Future and Melted Away

Let’s go down with the ship
Let’s slip into oblivion

Feelin’ no better today, really, than I did yesterday. But, thank God, its my day off so I can just nap through most of the day. I do suppose, however, that I have some desire to eat so I must be doing somewhat better. Can’t help but wonder, though, if its not just a passing phase. Oh well, eh?

Zak comes home today. I’ll give him a royal high five. I’ve started to call him “9:30, big and flirty” for absolutely no reason. I love my siblings.

Yesterday I ran into the Girl from Work. Like, I actually ran into her. I was holding papers and she was holding papers and they all went flying into the air. As we were on the ground, on our knees rummaging through them, I stopped and said to her “if we were in a movie right now, we’d inch closer and closer until we were making out” and she replied, almost instantly “if we were in a movie, we’d be doing this in a high school cafeteria, not the surgical waiting room of a hospital” and then we both laughed. Yes, we’d both said that stuff while sick patients were all around us. It was sad sack. Turns out she’s kinda funny? Oh well.

I’m running out of things to say to fill the gaps, it seems. Alas, all that’s left is a sinking ship.

Current Location: the “weekend”
Current Mood: crappycrappy
Current Music: magical mystery tour – the beatles

Added March 31, 2016
That honestly happened. It is the most sitcom/movie thing that has ever happened in my life, without question.
At least I was always aware enough to know that I was “filling gaps” – I’m fine with pathetic lashing out in any fashion so long as there is self-awareness.
Which is just as messed up, actually…

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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