HM – Whatever I Can

can’t believe i’m saying this





i’m probably going to break at some point here and then make a foolish attempt to “do whatever i can” to win aliona back.




its sad sack.

Added September 19, 2016
I don’t know where you are, Knapp, but wherever that may be:
Thank you.
Even if it wasn’t in a huge way, your words really helped me make solid choices and not do some dumb(er) stuff.
Glad I didn’t go this route, is what I’m saying.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

6 thoughts on “HM – Whatever I Can”

  1. Skyler. I don’t know about your situation that well(just what I’ve read on here). But, this is something that I had to deal with too. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING you do can win her back. Believe me, I tried just about everything to get back with Amanda. At the time, I was thinking that “maybe if I said this” or “maybe if I did that” would make her want me back. And I said a lot of stupid things then. But, I noticed with my experience, that the more you try to “win” someone back, the further you push them away. Because, if that person wants you back, they’ll make sure to tell you. Let’s say that you talk to her every once in awhile. If you do anything out of character, like begging her to come back to you or promising that you’ll do whatever it takes for her to take you back, she will not respond positively. I’d suggest that if you do talk to her, just be yourself. There was obviously something that she liked about you. Granted, it is hard to just go back to being like your old self. But it has to happen if you maybe, *possibly* have a chance of getting back together with her. For instance, back when Amanda and I had just broken up, I was really emotional and I couldn’t have a decent conversation without getting angry or sad. That wasn’t me. That is a very bad side of Chris that no one likes.The sooner you find your original self, before Aliona, the better. Only then can you entertain the idea of getting back together with her. BUT, you can’t initiate anything. Like I said before, if she wants you back, she’ll let you know. I’m not saying that just being yourself will enable you guys to get back together. There are no guarantees. But it is definitely a good start.”Absence makes the heart grow fond.”Take care.P.S….why the hell am I still up?!


  2. Hahahahahahaha “why the hell am I still up” cracked me up. Also, there is a side of Chris that people DO like?!

    And thanks, sir. While I do know and understand 100% that its not within my power, I can’t help but figure that at some point I’m going to just lose it and be more stupid than I’ve already been, post-breakup. I don’t know. Thanks, though, really. I’ve already done the “say and do stupid things” part and now I’m just sitting thinking about what went wrong. But mostly, I don’t think I’d try to get back together simply because of her. That’d be a huge part of it, I know, but I think what I really need is something to fill that hole thats left. It’s only ever going to continue to eat away at me, I suppose, until I can find a way to start filling it.

    Oh well, eh?
    Thanks, seriously.


  3. Dude, I’m going through the exact same thing. Amanda left a huge gaping whole in me. I loved her unconditionally. And now I’m just supposed to forget that, and move on? I struggled with that for quite awhile, but I accepted the fact that those feelings probably won’t change in the foreseeable future. It was just the kind of love that I had for her. What I eventually figured out is this, I have a lot going for me. I’m not saying I could have any woman in the world, but, there are many women out there who would love to have what I can offer them. Amanda obviously doesn’t want that, not right now anyways, otherwise we’d still be together. And this was my first relationship, so it’s even harder for me to just move on. As perfect as Amanda was in my mind’s eye, there are women out there who are probably 10 times better than her. And they would actually appreciate what I can give them. (giggity?)And yes Skyler, there is a side that people like. Strange, I know. 😛


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