Frequently Mentioned Truths – Because Only One Leads to You

When one gives me permission then I enter through the eyes
She’s losing her virginity and all the will to compromise

I’m sicker, now, than I was this morning. Wish that weren’t the case.

Mostly posting just to say I can’t really be too depressed, right now. After finding out a friend of mine is suffering from post-breakup angst in ways that make my depression look like nothing, I have found out that I have many things I’m thankful for (ironic that this is near Thanksgiving). She has entertained ending her life, has started to cut herself, and is even seeking therapy as a result. And this was almost a year ago that they broke up. I feel really bad for her and can’t even come close to saying I’m in the same boat at all.

So, while I’m still sad about the events, I find I have a long way to go before hitting the bottom. I need to work my magic on myself and get out of this funk. Then – and only then – can I actually make strides at rebuilding.

Also of note: Told Daryl today that all of her current problems stem from both an extreme case of secret loneliness and an overly minimal case of horniness. I have yet to extrapolate past that, but really she just needs to accept this situation and her problems will start to float away.

Also of note 2: Totally helped my younger bro work up the courage to both ask a chick out and to get her over to his place. Now his charm and my old couch are teamed up. Only time will tell if that will be enough. I have faith, though, that things will go very, very well.

I dream about you every night.
The previous image is in no way related

Current Mood: worriedworried
Current Music: three doors – vast

Added March 31, 2016
That old couch should have been burned into ash if it wasn’t. More gross things happened on that couch than any one person should have been able to accomplish.
I remember giving all this advice and I remember the foolishness of me giving it during this time. But I think it was all OK, in the end. I hate tooting my own horn, but I give good advice.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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