Frequently Mentioned Truths – And the Quicker You Get Sicker

She’ll burn you like
a mid-day sun

I look and smell as good as a week-dead hobo. And I feel a little worse. But I can’t not go into work today. If I don’t go to work I’ll never get paid and if I don’t get paid, well, then I guess I won’t get to live out my life the way I want to. And if I don’t do that, I suppose I’ll just have to keep on making blog posts here to complain about it.

Today I have the same symptoms but a few news ones to add. First off, I have a cough, now. Its not too bad, but its not great by any means. Second, I’m having dizzy spells when I stand up (or if I sit up too fast). This can’t be good. But I have to go to work anyhow. I can’t not go (deja vu…).

Thanksgiving week is here. Food and family and fucked up times to be had. Pete will be home on Wednesday and Zak will be home at some point on Tuesday night. I don’t work either day so you can bet your mother’s last dime that I’ll be gross looking and smelly when they get home (I’m pretty much that way, now). The turkey is already thawing and the rest of the food is gathering. It will be good times, I assure myself. I miss having entire family gatherings, though. I miss a lot of stupid stuff.

Yesterday I “helped” put up the rest of the Christmas stuff outside. Lights and lawn ornaments and junk like that. I’m not the biggest fan, but I know my folks take a lot of pride in that stuff and they put a lot of effort into it, too. Seeing them excited over the finished product is often times enough for me to look at them, the lights, and then them again and go “Yeah, my folks are nerds, but kinda cool at the same time.”

Maybe someday we’ll get back the things we lost, the things we left, and the things we forgot. Only then can the holes be filled.

Current Mood: soresore
Current Music: the rainbow connection – kermit the frog

March 31, 2016
I haven’t had a “BIG” Bartels family Thanksgiving in forever. Maybe its because I hate my father?
I don’t care how excited my parents get about XMas lights, anymore. Maybe its because I hate my father?
I hate my father. Maybe its because I hate my father?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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