Frequently Mentioned Truths – If You Refuse Me, Baby You’ll Lose Me

California! – Really nice to the homeless!
Cal-i-for-ni-i-ya! – Super cool to the homeless!

I couldn’t be sicker. I couldn’t be. Aside from those other times when I was much, much sicker.

Last night I went out to see the new Bond film (finally) and it was a treat and a spectacle of wonder. The opening car chase is one of the best chases I’ve ever seen. It was just raw. There were few zany stunts during the tunnels and the downward, spiraling slopes that it seemed like something I could see if I was really lucky. I really enjoyed it and it made me forget many things. Sometimes, Bond is all you need I guess.

I’ve got a headache, though. And a sore throat. I can’t swallow or breathe through my nose. My stomach aches if I do anything with it, and I guess I lack energy. I think I’m coming down with the flu which would – by the way – prove something I’ve always said about flu shots true: you don’t get the disease until you get the shot for it. Orange juice and my favorite Wal-profin are on the job, however, supplying me with my necessary dosage of good time tasty fun and pain relief.

I might have a date next Saturday night. Might. Otherwise I won’t. I don’t know. She understood where I was coming from when I talked to her last night, that I wasn’t ready for a big move and she said she, too, was fresh off something great and was just looking to have “good times” and, well, I like good times. So we’ll see. I can’t help but think I’m not going to go out, though.

I’m cold.

Current Mood: sicksick
Current Music: stupid christmas songs

Added March 31, 2016
That was the last “OK” Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. And it was just that: OK.
I had no business trying to go on dates at this point. It was all to get back at Aliona. It always was. And it didn’t lead to anything great. Aside from getting slapped.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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