Frequently Mentioned Truths – When the Pigs are Flying, and its Freezing Cold in Hell

(Give me reason!)
The quest for truth!

So two quick things;

First up, I snagged a girl’s phone number. I’ve still got it, apparently. All I had to do was tell a bunch of jokes and then abruptly ask for a phone number. Even when depressed off his rump, Skyler’s still got that charm. Also: she is a radiology tech which means many things and nothing at the same time. Whooboy.

Second up, not that interested in giving her a call. Primary reason: I’m too busy right now. I work about 50 hours a week (and then some) and then I’m too tired to do anything else. Plus, what with the holidays coming up, I really am not interested in starting something I know in my “heart of hearts” I don’t intend to finish. Secondary reason: Still too tied to the past to make a real effort anyhow. Not saying this will be how it is for me forever, but currently it is. I’m just happy I’ve still got all my required skills. Third reason: Can’t prove to myself that I wouldn’t be asking her out simply to either get even with or get over my ex-Aliona. I can’t do anything until I’m sure of that.

Other quick note: Working on this song is killing me, too. God, I suck at the piano.

Current Mood: listlesslistless
Current Music: blue – vast

Added March 31, 2016
That didn’t stop me from eventually calling her. Obviously.
I got extremely sick over Thanksgiving 2008. It was quite awful. I remember it because I’d used all my PTO going to CA to see The Russian and couldn’t afford to take time off for being sick. It was crap and my own fault. Especially crappy since going to CA wasn’t worth it, anyhow.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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