HM – Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Skyler: someone told me recently though that the universe never creates singular situations or unique things. that everything is in a pattern and happens again and again and that, based on that law of the universe, everyone has multiple opportunities to take part in the pattern. including love and such

Leah: oooh that’s kind of cool

Skyler: yeah it is. but i told her that i hated that idea because that gave me as much of a chance of finding love as it does making me the next hitler

Leah: hahaha

Skyler: i don’t wanna be hitler

Leah: how do you feel about jewish people?

Added September 19, 2016
Another repeat across multiple outlets, this is just a solid segment of text. So I’ll leave it up, twice.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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