Facebook – Just Thinkin’ Here

thinkin’ about how america got its independence from england…


…we were assholes.

we fought dirty, we shot at officers, we never played by the rules, we attacked on christmas day…


america is a bunch of assholes today, too.

god bless us, everyone.

Added September 9, 2016
I had a strong opinion regarding Americans, huh?
However, everything else is true. Also, Kurt provides a great bit of commentary, as always.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Facebook – Just Thinkin’ Here”

  1. Kurt Voorhees
    George Washington was kind of like Travolta (First name not needed). Travolta would have fought for the Bloody Brits, then he would have sacked those wankas and gone Roanoke on their bums. Then he would have declared war on the French, the Indiginous, and then enslaved the Africans…. all while owning most of Ohio. Nicholas Cage (France) would have to face off… but would ultimately succumb to the Travolta Force as they made their way to the Alamo, Germany, Korea, Nicauragua, Cambodia, Bosnia, and eventually Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Gees, Travolta’s the man!!! I’ve never even thought about it before. God Bless Us!!! God Bless Travolta!!!!
    April 26, 2008 at 8:25 pm


  2. Sheng Peng
    Man…..don’t just think about Amercans, think about the world itself. Despite millions of millions people are dying of hunger, AIDS, war, and other disasters very year, the 21st century is definitely the most peaceful, most hopeful and the most civilized era human civilization has ever experienced… When you trace back the entire human history, you will find out that the world itself is a ridiculous asshole.


    April 26, 2008 at 8:44 pm


  3. Kurt Voorhees
    We throw food away to keep prices up. We feed enough food to cattle to feed the entire world, in turn, those cows heat up the earth. We can practically cure Malaria, keep AIDS at bay in developing countries, and foster peace, cooperation, and brotherhood in the war-torn edges of the earth. But we don’t. And why don’t we?

    Because we’re America!! FUCK YEAH!!!
    April 27, 2008 at 1:46 am


  4. Kurt Voorhees
    America is like what John Travolta said when Nicholas Cage had taken over John Travolta’s body although John Travolta’s name was Sean Archer and Nicholas Cage’s name was Cassius Clay.. or something close to that… Caster Troy was his name!! ..but Nicholas Cage’s name was once Coppola and Muhammad Ali’s name was Cassius Clay.
    Well, Caster Troy’s face was on Sean Archer whom was playing Troy at that time. Well, later Caster Troy put on Sean Archer’s face to search for Sean Archer… coincidentally, to find Sean Archer, Caster Troy had to look for Caster Troy’s face.

    And then he said,

    “Ain’t it grand?”

    And it is, it’s very grand.

    FUCK YEAH!!!!
    April 27, 2008 at 2:41 am


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