Facebook – All that is Left…

…is to leave Facebook and Xanga.

Despite the fact that I don’t use it AT ALL anymore, only log on once every other week to see what other people have put on there, and I can barely remember my site’s freakin’ name (I have to go to it THROUGH Facebook otherwise I forget how I typed it)…

…Xanga was my first blog-home on the internet, back in …. Jesus H. Christ… about five to six to seven-ish years ago? I dont’ even know. When I latch on to something, I latch on good and get a damn good grip. I remain loyal and that’s how I act. So, I’ll pretty much be using Xanga until I die.

I can think of about 900 people that would hit me in the mouth if I quit. Also… ever since I did those stupid “Super-Dumb” notes every other friggin’ day over the summer, I’ve become too invested. Xanga used to be my homepage. Now its Facebook.

Do you realize how sick that is? I hate Facebook. Not as much as Myspace but… honestly, how can anyone hate anything more than they hate Myspace? Regardless…

Someday… probably after college, I’ll get rid of my Facebook account. Despite its incredible networking powers. And the fact that there is a Facebook group dedicated to Melissa Theuriau. I’ll get rid of it.

(PS: I also need to get rid of my livejournal that has… oh… one post on it? Maybe two? But probably one? Yeah… its almost too worthless.

Added September 1, 2016
And, obviously, I DID get rid of Facebook. Xanga just got rid of itself.
Thank god for this archive project.

Facebook – Leavin’ Myspace

We’re sorry you’re leaving MySpace!
Please briefly explain in the form below why you’re cancelling. You can really help us improve MySpace!

Cancellation comments:
I hate myspace. I can’t even imagine that some people like it. What you’ve created here is a vacuum in cyberspace… a veritable ‘black hole’ that sucks in all that is good and pure and fun about the internet, leaving behind only the rotton filth that populates your users pages.

Eternal drama; the concept of “Top Friends”; endless spam from pornographic pages; random messages from people I’ve never met or heard of, suggesting that I try to win a free iPod or PSP or Playstation 3; the online sex predators Dateline catches on a regular basis anymore; girls being annoying; the list goes on and on.

If, somewhere inside, you feel that what you’ve done is right (and to be quite clear, ‘what you’ve done’ is little more than create a complete Hell and all its circles on the web) then by all means, ‘keep up the good work’ and all that.

But there is no way that you can feel, with all of your being and soul and heart, that Myspace is a quality website.

If you do, then the only thing I am sorry for is the fact that you weren’t aborted as babies.
I then hit “cancel account” and away it went… I
have quit World of Warcraft with no problem, and now Myspace. I’m a God

Added September 1, 2016
MySpace is the only “blog” that absolutely won’t get archived, here, simply because its the only one I’ve completely deleted.
This isn’t at vicious or funny as I remembered it being, however.

L&T of Skyler B – “Homework?!”

In Kingdom Hearts 2, right near the start of the game, a group of kids asks the hero, Sora, if he’s done with his summer homework. Sora is seriously taken aback and stammers: “Homework?!”

This is how I feel.

I spent this entire weekend reading, writing, putting together the starts of presentations and papers, and then reading some more, posting on ye olde blackboard about a number of things, etc etc.

Someone invented homework for a reason. I’m trying to think if they did it because they knew people like me would hate it or not. If they did, and they wanted me to hate it, kudos. If they did, and they knew people like me would hate it but reluctantly pressed on… well, kudos again.

And let me be honest with you, here. I don’t hate-hate homework. I mean, keeping up-to-date on the readings for classes is an important part of the school process. I just don’t like that it takes time.

So, now I’m going to try to build a device similar to the things they use in the Matrix to learn kungfu and all that. I’m going to jack a giant metal spike into my brain and then hook that device to these terrible books I have to read for Adolescent Lit (a great class, take it if you can) and have them downloaded into my head, rather than doing it manually.

…but I will need test subjects to run the device on a few times, first. No way I’m sticking a metal spike in my brain without testing it, first! I’m not making that mistake twice!

Any volunteers?

Added May 19, 2017
I like how these posts to the Drake blog are simply filler so Young Skyler would meet quota and thus could collect a check.
Having said that, I’m so happy I don’t have to do homework, anymore.

Facebook – Untitled pseudo-sequel to 10 Up/Down

a coliseum filled with all my fears roars to life as the bane of my existence enters, shoulders broad, chest bare, teeth sharp. a mane of fire erupts around its neck, sparking further noise from the audience that surrounds us. it crackles and hisses as the bane unsheathes its weapon; a sword made entirely from the shadows, a blade of legend. it literally drips consistent drops of blood onto the hot, sandy coliseum ground. as the blood pools, it burns away the ground, leaving nothing but holes in both the earth and my hopes of survival.

the bane speaks: “and lo, what is this? a worthy challenger is what is demanded, has been demanded, and what but a lame opponent be this!” it gestures wildly at me, pointing a sharpened claw in my general direction.

i cower. what hope is there for me, here, amongst all my worries and terrors, each chanting the name of my executioner? they control me, for i am bound to them as they are to me. where one goes, the other must surely follow.

the bane tramples and trots about the vast coliseum grounds, cloven feet kicking up dust and spite and anger. waving its arms, garnering such praise from its audience, the bane simply revels in its never-ending glory. it is a beast of magnificence and fear-mongering, of that there is no question.

the bane opens a fanged mouth yet again: “and so it is, then, that the competition can not but utter even a single word. no threats to be made, no demands for mercy!” it grins and it is horrible. “what is its name?”

i find myself incapable of speech to answer. i feel my lip quiver, my hands, clenched, fill with sweat and dread. i am close, so close…

the bane approaches me, slowly. it turns an ear to me, an eyebrow raised. it speaks: “i said, what is its name?”

the bane now stands before me, not but an inch separates us. it is a tower of muscle and hate and power and beauty. if it wanted, it could turn me to ash with a gaze, crush the life out of me, or tear me apart, joint-by-joint. but it won’t. it can’t. never.

it howls: “cowardice is its name! yellow is its flesh, shaking are its bones!” it gets close, leans right into me. its slick, gray skin comes alive on its face, before my eyes, with a thousand screaming souls longing for freedom. i can hear them… see them.

it goads: “cowardice is its name.” i see myself in its teeth. i am more frightened. the stadium fills with laughter at my expense. i am wounded and defeated before the battle began. _______________________________
written in one sitting on Aug. 11th, typed up to the sounds of ‘Trampled Under Foot’, just like its predecessor
only a small portion of the entire thing would be titled “Από την αγάπη και την κόλαση” (of love and hell) but…

Added September 1, 2016
Almost ten years ago. 9, actually.
“10 Up/Down” is my masterpiece. There is an entire book in there, a movie. A mini-series.
This pseudo-sequel proves, to me, that there was tons of content to mine. Wish I knew people. I’d have to retitle it, though.