Facebook – Car

So I’m sitting in my parked car in a parking lot on campus talking to my mom on a telephone for a good thirty minutes, mostly brooding, but partially making jokes about said brooding…

…and things are going great…

…and then some guy pull his Ford Explorer into the spot ahead of me and front-ends my car.


The car shakes, I tell my mother I have to go and kill someone, and I hang up.

I get out, there’s no damage… no scratches no dents no nothing. My car is fine, just a little scared and confused.

The guy says he’s sorry, and is willing to cover anything I should find, gives me his name, phone number, I jot down his plate numbers… He leaves, I go back into my car and think about what just happened.

Why did that have to happen when I was INSIDE my parked car? Fate has to deal me a bad hand at every turn, or what?

I want to go get food but I broke my umbrella in frustration and I don’t want to be outside and rained on because frankly I don’t want to have to go through that today.


I’m not mad. I’m just really…. really…. really tired…


Added September 1, 2016
I remember that day well. The Russian’s mother wouldn’t budge on curfew and she wouldn’t even ask about it. I was so angry. Not after 9PM or something stupid, like she was 12.
Broke my umbrella on a light pole and then sat in my car and THIS happened.
Should have broken up with her that day, Young Skyler!
PS: I love that picture, despite Zak’s anger.

Facebook – Iron Man

Last night, when I finally got to sleep after a few hours of watching The Office on DVD…

I had a dream where I got to fly around in Tony Stark’s Iron Man armor.

I haven’t been that sad when realizing something was only a dream in years…

It was a giant rush to take off and use the rocket-boots and zoom around the sky and try to go higher and higher…

…and when I woke up I found out I’m only Skyler Bartels, non-Iron Man… and that I had to work at the Help Desk in an hour.

Now I’m here. Sitting and not flying.

I miss the clouds…


Added September 1, 2016
Man, I remember that dream like it was yesterday. There was a breathless exhilaration paired with that one. One of the most real feeling dreams I think I’ve ever had.

L&T of Skyler B – Drake is Home

I love here.

I would simply leave that as my only sentence but I feel I should explain myself.

I’m not going to really explain myself, though. I’m just gonna talk about school and life and stuff.

First off; This week has been tiring to the utmost degree. I haven’t slept properly since last Friday night and have had early mornings every day. Today I had an 8AM shift at the Help Desk but – whoops! – I didn’t really have an 8AM shift so I woke up for nothing and am REALLY tired today. So tired…

Second off; I am off comic books for the most part. I read a fair number, still. But its gotta be like… half the number of what I used to read at the end of the year last year. This saves me a lot of money and a lot of trips to comic stores. But right now there’s this thing where Thor and Iron Man get in a scrap and Thor…. well, I don’t want to give away spoilers. Or paint myself to be a huge nerd (or a larger one than I’m already painted to look like). But it’s awesome.

Third off; I just saw this movie tonight in class called Good Night and Good Luck and it was really awesome. Its a journalism class that I’m taking because… well… why not? And I’m loving that class. The assignments are great, we watch the films in class, and they are all good films. Its currently my favorite class.

4th off (I can’t spell that); I’m really tired and have some homework to do tonight. So, I’m going to get to it.

Drake is awesome, right now. I love it here and can only imagine what I’d be doing now if I wasn’t here.
(No, Drake is not paying me to say this)

Added May 25, 2017
I like that Young Skyler says he loves Drake and being there and then rants about stuff he hates a bit before saying “I LIKE MOVIES” and then ending on “I hate homework blaaah”.
Young Skyler is an odd duck.
This blog was on Drake University’s website, remember. And they paid me. This is paid, sponsored content. And its mostly whining about being sleepy.

Added June 9, 2017
Fixed the date/time on this one. It was misplaced, almost two years into the future.

Facebook – Wednesday = ……..poop

Woke up to be at work at 8AM. After having not gotten to sleep until about 2AM. Because the light outside my dorm wouldn’t shut off. Great.

Got to work. Found out I didn’t have to work. Great.

Took care of some banking that took nearly 45 minutes to get through. Great.

Couldn’t take a nap because I was expecting a phone call. Still tired. Great.

Nose is still acting like it knows what it wants to do. It should listen to me, instead. That way we’d continue to get along. Instead, it thinks the best thing it could do right now is be dumb. Great.

Have a night class tonight. Film during it. Won’t get out until like 10PM. I’ll be too hungry to go right to bed. Which means I’ll be up until 11PM for food. Then I have to do a bunch of stuff for tomorrow’s night class so… No sleep. Great.

Stinkin’ Wednesday…


Upon having it suggested to me, I have a few GOOD things to say about today:
-Free food
-Thor kicking the poop out of Iron Man
-Led Zeppelin being awesome
-My hair actually siding with me for once
-I only spent two minutes at the Help Desk Yay!

Added September 1, 2016
The Face!
I remember being so happy to see Thor kick the crap outta Iron Man. I’m also very glad I don’t buy individual comic books, anymore.
Something I’m not sure I ever really admitted online: I had a difficult time during my 4th year at Drake. No sleep, no classes, barely eating. Almost all my energy was dedicated to The Russian.
I don’t generally like to look back on things and decide something was worthless, but a lot of that year was worthless.


In early October Hooverphonic will release the sixth studio album of their career, titled “The President Of The LSD Golf Club” and from what I’ve heard of it so far (the first single, Expedition Impossible found as a link in my ‘websites’) it fits the new genre it is being described as in Belgium: “retro-psychedelic”

It’s only gonna have ten tracks, which is brisk, but I have to remind myself that they tend to release an album every 4 years and the last one was out nearly TWO years ago. So, I shouldn’t be complaining. Plus, the singles will have exclusive B-Sides making them actually worth purchase this time, as opposed to the last time when I spent money I shouldn’t have…

Proxis.be is already selling the album and I already purchased it and paid for the fastest shipping possible.

Now October is going to be even better than I’d anticipated.


See you three in October…

Added September 1, 2016
Geike’s last album with the band. She is beyond missed.
“Gentle Storm” is such a great song, you guys.
The Hooverphonic page had a sample of each song and you’d better believe I listened to them nonstop. Getting the album in my car was one of the biggest treats.

L&T of Skyler B – 2 Weeks Down… A Billion Remain…

Oh man… I am tired.

So, we’re done with two weeks of school already. How many are there in a semester? Like, 15? So… 15-2= …………. Don’t tell me…. hold on…. 1. I have one week left of school?!? Oh my God what will I do! I haven’t done anythi Oh, no I have 13 weeks left… God I’m dumb sometimes.

Classes are great; I’m, again, doing the 18 credit semester and while it is tiring, it is thrilling and wonderful. I don’t have one class I hate being in (although its only two weeks in… give me some time) and the course materials and the work loads seem fair so far. The only one I think might be a nightmare is going to be my Monday night class… But it’s getting me in to watch some LOST with an FYS so…. you can’t lose with that kind of setup.

Work at the Help Desk has been slow. It’s mostly my fault for having failed to get up one day during the first week and then having my hours given away. Now I work a majority of my week on Fridays which, while not terrible – since it starts at noon – is still a pain because that’s a long time to sit there and fix the same problems over-and-over.

The DLS (Drake Lit Society, or L!T as it was cleverly dubbed) is off to a good start, too. We had our first meeting with an all-girl assembly (plus me…) but it was pretty awesome and actually moved along at a nice clip and stayed on topic most of the time (swaying once or twice into Harry Potter conversation which doesn’t belong in ANY literary society because its not literature… its garbage. That is my opinion and the opinion of Drake University [note: not really the opinion of Drake University]).

Dating is awesome.

Otherwise, all I can say at this point is “GO SEE 3:10 TO YUMA BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME” and now I’m going to bed because I’m really tired.

See you on Wednesday when I make another post!

Added May 23, 2017
$10 says Young Skyler didn’t make a post the following Wednesday.
I don’t remember what all classes I was taking during this semester, one of them – and the one primarily discussed, here – was my senior capstone class, about writing a personal literary narrative. That stupid lit narrative sucked the goddamned soul out of me and I don’t like thinking about it.
The Drake Lit Society thing fell apart under me because we had no clear goal or any idea what we were even wanting it to be. No one wanted to join a group or stick with one if there wasn’t anything happening.
Harry Potter is still garbage and not literature worth discussing. This is the opinion of Drake University.

Facebook – “And” but She Said “you Can’t Not” with a Twist

Here is a list of ten things that I love right now that you should love too because you are awesome and awesome people like good things:

10. Porcupine Tree -I just got this album, “Up the Downstair” from Aaron Jaco and I’m f’n lovin’ it so much I can’t think proper any more. “Burning Sky” is an incredible instrumental track and it makes me weep tears of liquid excitement. I listen to it pretty much all the time.

9. The Departed -So Daryl was just over watchin’ “The Departed” which… if you didn’t know… is the best movie I have made Daryl watch all school year. It involves lots of headshots and some language and no spaceships which is pretty cool, I guess.

8. LOST -Did you know that LOST is easily the best show on TV? That’s not a question. Oh, no… no it is. I can see that now because there is clearly a question mark in there… I’m sorry… Anyhow, speaking of Daryl… I’m getting her and Aliona started on watching this show because… I don’t need a reason. LOST is the reason.

7. Sleep -If there was any way that I could get more sleep in a single hour than an hour’s worth, I think I would do it for 24 hours. 24 hours per hour. Yeah…

6. Scrabble -Apparently I am now going to be playing Scrabble at every turn. This is because the game is nearly as awesome – in game standards – as I am – in human standards – and we go together well – in person-to-game standards – and I am good at it (note: I’m not that good at it).

5. My Yellow Car -I have a question. Do you know who I am getting married to? (Hint: My car)

4. Dr. Pepper -Three years ago I took a picture of my fridge as soon as I got it full of Dr. Pepper… rather than try to find that picture in advance, I’m going to look for it right now… I can’t find it. Sorry… man, what an upset…

3. Hooverphonic -Yeah. I love this band. What? They just put out the first new single of the upcoming album… Which, like two years ago… I will spend an entire fortune on getting shipped to me from overseas. Why? I love this band. What?

2. Making lists -Its fun and I’m bored and I can’t go to sleep. Shut up! Leave me alone!

1. Good Times -Despite my high stress levels… I’m really enjoying where I’m at. Last semester was a huge transition period for me, where I learned what was going on with my life… Although, to be fair… I didn’t learn anything until mid-summer… but that’s what I call my “growing up” phase. I made a lot of mistakes during those two times… but now… I like where I’m at. Things are running at a nice, even pace.

Here, have this and pretend I typed up a conclusion of some sort:


This comic almost made me want to stop having dreams…

Added September 1, 2016
That comic…
My description of “Burning Sky” and “The Departed” are both so spot on, man.
That Dr Pepper upset made me laugh out loud and the memories of playing Scrabble every other minute is awesome. I remember apparently “yelling” at The Russian (something she remembered forever and held against me) even though I didn’t yell, at Mars Café.
She was stupid.