Facebook – Car

So I’m sitting in my parked car in a parking lot on campus talking to my mom on a telephone for a good thirty minutes, mostly brooding, but partially making jokes about said brooding…

…and things are going great…

…and then some guy pull his Ford Explorer into the spot ahead of me and front-ends my car.


The car shakes, I tell my mother I have to go and kill someone, and I hang up.

I get out, there’s no damage… no scratches no dents no nothing. My car is fine, just a little scared and confused.

The guy says he’s sorry, and is willing to cover anything I should find, gives me his name, phone number, I jot down his plate numbers… He leaves, I go back into my car and think about what just happened.

Why did that have to happen when I was INSIDE my parked car? Fate has to deal me a bad hand at every turn, or what?

I want to go get food but I broke my umbrella in frustration and I don’t want to be outside and rained on because frankly I don’t want to have to go through that today.


I’m not mad. I’m just really…. really…. really tired…


Added September 1, 2016
I remember that day well. The Russian’s mother wouldn’t budge on curfew and she wouldn’t even ask about it. I was so angry. Not after 9PM or something stupid, like she was 12.
Broke my umbrella on a light pole and then sat in my car and THIS happened.
Should have broken up with her that day, Young Skyler!
PS: I love that picture, despite Zak’s anger.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

6 thoughts on “Facebook – Car”

  1. Zak Bartels
    Stop drawing shit like that. Shit that looks like it should be artsy but when you think about it, it’s really just not relevant.

    For further evidence I suggest looking at all of Age 19.
    September 19, 2007 at 12:07 pm


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