Facebook – Punchin’ Walls

I have punched about 90 walls in anger and/or frustration over the past few weeks.

My right hand hurts a lot…

Added September 1, 2016
I do believe my anger was all regarding The Russian and her mother. That relationship was dead so early on, it is shocking that Young Skyler didn’t see it for what it was so much sooner. Alas.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Facebook – Punchin’ Walls”

  1. Adam Ericksen
    hey, at least punching walls doesn’t necessarily damage the walls…
    i hit a thing in my car about 20 times a week in anger and every time i almost break my hand/wrist. i have broken the thing in my car, though…
    September 16, 2007 at 10:38 pm


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