Facebook – Iron Man

Last night, when I finally got to sleep after a few hours of watching The Office on DVD…

I had a dream where I got to fly around in Tony Stark’s Iron Man armor.

I haven’t been that sad when realizing something was only a dream in years…

It was a giant rush to take off and use the rocket-boots and zoom around the sky and try to go higher and higher…

…and when I woke up I found out I’m only Skyler Bartels, non-Iron Man… and that I had to work at the Help Desk in an hour.

Now I’m here. Sitting and not flying.

I miss the clouds…


Added September 1, 2016
Man, I remember that dream like it was yesterday. There was a breathless exhilaration paired with that one. One of the most real feeling dreams I think I’ve ever had.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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