L&T of Skyler B – Drake is Home

I love here.

I would simply leave that as my only sentence but I feel I should explain myself.

I’m not going to really explain myself, though. I’m just gonna talk about school and life and stuff.

First off; This week has been tiring to the utmost degree. I haven’t slept properly since last Friday night and have had early mornings every day. Today I had an 8AM shift at the Help Desk but – whoops! – I didn’t really have an 8AM shift so I woke up for nothing and am REALLY tired today. So tired…

Second off; I am off comic books for the most part. I read a fair number, still. But its gotta be like… half the number of what I used to read at the end of the year last year. This saves me a lot of money and a lot of trips to comic stores. But right now there’s this thing where Thor and Iron Man get in a scrap and Thor…. well, I don’t want to give away spoilers. Or paint myself to be a huge nerd (or a larger one than I’m already painted to look like). But it’s awesome.

Third off; I just saw this movie tonight in class called Good Night and Good Luck and it was really awesome. Its a journalism class that I’m taking because… well… why not? And I’m loving that class. The assignments are great, we watch the films in class, and they are all good films. Its currently my favorite class.

4th off (I can’t spell that); I’m really tired and have some homework to do tonight. So, I’m going to get to it.

Drake is awesome, right now. I love it here and can only imagine what I’d be doing now if I wasn’t here.
(No, Drake is not paying me to say this)

Added May 25, 2017
I like that Young Skyler says he loves Drake and being there and then rants about stuff he hates a bit before saying “I LIKE MOVIES” and then ending on “I hate homework blaaah”.
Young Skyler is an odd duck.
This blog was on Drake University’s website, remember. And they paid me. This is paid, sponsored content. And its mostly whining about being sleepy.

Added June 9, 2017
Fixed the date/time on this one. It was misplaced, almost two years into the future.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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