Facebook – Wednesday = ……..poop

Woke up to be at work at 8AM. After having not gotten to sleep until about 2AM. Because the light outside my dorm wouldn’t shut off. Great.

Got to work. Found out I didn’t have to work. Great.

Took care of some banking that took nearly 45 minutes to get through. Great.

Couldn’t take a nap because I was expecting a phone call. Still tired. Great.

Nose is still acting like it knows what it wants to do. It should listen to me, instead. That way we’d continue to get along. Instead, it thinks the best thing it could do right now is be dumb. Great.

Have a night class tonight. Film during it. Won’t get out until like 10PM. I’ll be too hungry to go right to bed. Which means I’ll be up until 11PM for food. Then I have to do a bunch of stuff for tomorrow’s night class so… No sleep. Great.

Stinkin’ Wednesday…


Upon having it suggested to me, I have a few GOOD things to say about today:
-Free food
-Thor kicking the poop out of Iron Man
-Led Zeppelin being awesome
-My hair actually siding with me for once
-I only spent two minutes at the Help Desk Yay!

Added September 1, 2016
The Face!
I remember being so happy to see Thor kick the crap outta Iron Man. I’m also very glad I don’t buy individual comic books, anymore.
Something I’m not sure I ever really admitted online: I had a difficult time during my 4th year at Drake. No sleep, no classes, barely eating. Almost all my energy was dedicated to The Russian.
I don’t generally like to look back on things and decide something was worthless, but a lot of that year was worthless.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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