Facebook – All that is Left…

…is to leave Facebook and Xanga.

Despite the fact that I don’t use it AT ALL anymore, only log on once every other week to see what other people have put on there, and I can barely remember my site’s freakin’ name (I have to go to it THROUGH Facebook otherwise I forget how I typed it)…

…Xanga was my first blog-home on the internet, back in …. Jesus H. Christ… about five to six to seven-ish years ago? I dont’ even know. When I latch on to something, I latch on good and get a damn good grip. I remain loyal and that’s how I act. So, I’ll pretty much be using Xanga until I die.

I can think of about 900 people that would hit me in the mouth if I quit. Also… ever since I did those stupid “Super-Dumb” notes every other friggin’ day over the summer, I’ve become too invested. Xanga used to be my homepage. Now its Facebook.

Do you realize how sick that is? I hate Facebook. Not as much as Myspace but… honestly, how can anyone hate anything more than they hate Myspace? Regardless…

Someday… probably after college, I’ll get rid of my Facebook account. Despite its incredible networking powers. And the fact that there is a Facebook group dedicated to Melissa Theuriau. I’ll get rid of it.

(PS: I also need to get rid of my livejournal that has… oh… one post on it? Maybe two? But probably one? Yeah… its almost too worthless.

Added September 1, 2016
And, obviously, I DID get rid of Facebook. Xanga just got rid of itself.
Thank god for this archive project.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

8 thoughts on “Facebook – All that is Left…”

  1. Chelsea Kelly
    I would so totally hit you in the mouth if you leave facebook. I basically left xanga and no one visits my site anymore anyway so it’s no biggie.

    And livejournal is so totally useless. You and colin are my only friends on there, and I hardly even go on there.
    September 5, 2007 at 6:07 pm


  2. Leah Houchin
    that’s why i can’t give up xanga . . . i’ve invested too much of the last 5 years of my life. i need to be able to go back and read over it all and see how much i’ve changed (or how much i haven’t changed, i guess). even though my posts are sporadic, i really love my lil xanga. 🙂
    September 6, 2007 at 10:22 am


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