Facebook – Leavin’ Myspace

We’re sorry you’re leaving MySpace!
Please briefly explain in the form below why you’re cancelling. You can really help us improve MySpace!

Cancellation comments:
I hate myspace. I can’t even imagine that some people like it. What you’ve created here is a vacuum in cyberspace… a veritable ‘black hole’ that sucks in all that is good and pure and fun about the internet, leaving behind only the rotton filth that populates your users pages.

Eternal drama; the concept of “Top Friends”; endless spam from pornographic pages; random messages from people I’ve never met or heard of, suggesting that I try to win a free iPod or PSP or Playstation 3; the online sex predators Dateline catches on a regular basis anymore; girls being annoying; the list goes on and on.

If, somewhere inside, you feel that what you’ve done is right (and to be quite clear, ‘what you’ve done’ is little more than create a complete Hell and all its circles on the web) then by all means, ‘keep up the good work’ and all that.

But there is no way that you can feel, with all of your being and soul and heart, that Myspace is a quality website.

If you do, then the only thing I am sorry for is the fact that you weren’t aborted as babies.
I then hit “cancel account” and away it went… I
have quit World of Warcraft with no problem, and now Myspace. I’m a God

Added September 1, 2016
MySpace is the only “blog” that absolutely won’t get archived, here, simply because its the only one I’ve completely deleted.
This isn’t at vicious or funny as I remembered it being, however.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

5 thoughts on “Facebook – Leavin’ Myspace”

  1. Michael Greiner
    Congrats. I just haven’t logged into myspace for several months. I think i’ll quit too. Fortunately I never really played WoW. Now you have to quit waiting for StarCraft 2 and go straight to the source and DEMAND it! You know what ‘chya need to do laddy. Burn ’em – burn ’em all.
    September 4, 2007 at 12:19 pm


  2. Skyler Bartels
    dude you don’t gotta tell me.

    wait until you can’t even log in anymore because – shock! – you have nothing to log into.

    its a sweet feeling
    September 4, 2007 at 11:17 pm


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