Facebook – “High School” = Super-Dumb

I just spent a few minutes checking up on all my old classmates from high school that have Facebook pages (that I’ve befriended).
Some of them are going to get married.
Some of them are not where I thought there were, geographically.
Some of them look totally different.
Some of them haven’t said a word to me since graduation.
Some of them have tried but failed.
And every time I see a new classmates page here on Facebook, I smirk and let out an airy chuckle. Not because I find them funny in any way. But simply because I can’t believe they ever existed, and simply seeing their smiling or emo or drunk or retarded or baby or straight faces in their Facebook pictures brings back every memory I’ve ever had of them in an instant. And the smile means that the goods tend to outweigh the bads.
So, to all of you old high school folks that I don’t see anymore;
Whitney Bieck,
Eric Chloupek,
Drew Conway,
Melanie Hiatt,
Audra Leichleiter,
Shayla Meyer,
Brandi Owens,
Karl Polacek,
Abbie Portenier,
Ashley Sadd,
Amber Tobler,
Kyle Williamson,
Whitney Yost,
and anyone else I might have missed…
…Live your lives as you will and be happy, because I will always remember you from when you were in high school. I miss you and those days, but would never – ever – want to go back.
Good gravy Marie, you couldn’t pay me to.

Added April 6, 2016
I remember expecting every one of those people responding to this note. I think I possibly tagged all of them, even? Who knows. I just know that it didn’t matter, in the end.
I do still hope everyone’s lives are going well, though. I may not reach out to discovery what goes on in those lives, anymore, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing everyone the best.

L&T of Skyler B – Episode 40: Joo Lie (or: Watchin’ Frasier on DVD)

I haven’t been very active this summer. But I’m 22 and getting old, so I suppose this is acceptable.

But I’ve been writing (still) and I suppose I’ve just started working out, lifting and doing situps and stuff. And I’ve been hard at work wi

Oh, working out? Yeah, I suppose I should share; I’ve started lifting with my younger brother for the past week. I’m going to keep it up for the rest of the summer and (I hope) into the school year. The reason for doing this? It’s far too simple to even explain. I’m really just going through some stuff and figuring out that I’m not an overly healthy individual. So I’m working out, now. I’m also learning how to study again, for the first time, so…

I don’t know, I really don’t have much to say. I’m excited for summer to be over so I can get out of work and this house. Not that I hate the house, mind you, but I just feel like I’m running in circles doing nothing. And this job, despite the good pay and the fun I have and the friends I make… it always causes me to get at least a little depressed. And that’s not cool.


Come one, school. Let’s GRADUATE!

Added April 25, 2017
Yeah, Hamilton used to make me so sad. It was a death zone, more or less. But that’s what happens when you’re in a literal box with bright overhead lights and little sun through non-existent windows. Glad things have changed…?
I should get back into some kind of shape other than “round”.

Facebook – “Depression” = Super-Dumb

What a lousy day.
But two years ago – to the day – I was such a depressed sack of poo that I actually couldn’t even write a stupid Xanga post about it. I had to can it, try again, can that attempt, and make a final post about how freakin’ sad a sack of poo I was.
The thing about 20 year old Skyler was that he had a lot of stupid things happen to him all around the same time and, well, I kinda got the same things going:
-Kinda crummy job;
-He and I are at the SAME job, only I work more hours now, so, heh, who has it worse I wonder?
-Freshly single;
-I am single, currenlty, of my own choice (I mean no offense with this stuff, Amanda, just sharing) and have been
 for a while. The 20 year old me was dumped on the 4th of July (I mean no offense with this stuff, Leah, just sharing). The day before his birthday. Score one for the 20-year- old
-Couldn’t write;
-He simply couldn’t get started (and, well… DUH! His ideas were all crap) and I can’t continue. I don’t really know which is worse.
But at the end of the day, he and I both suffer from the same problem this night. He and I are both still mad that my sister passed away.
At the end of it all, this shit still hurts. But I like to think I’ve learned to deal with it a touch better than he has. He went around pouting and being retarded and mean and grouchy all the time.
I just draw pictures at work of me chasing my younger brother around shouting “POOP AND PEE”, giving the pictures to him, and laughing for eight hours. Or I call people up with the hidden agenda of making them laugh over the phone at least once. Or I simply smile and think about how all this stuff will blow over, as it always does, and I’ll be OK and Sarah will still be gone, but I’ll be OK.
So, Skyler from 2005; I also hate that Sarah died. But just wait it out a few years, and you’ll see that you still got it OK.
Sorry if this is open and more info than you wanted/knew. But I can actually make posts about this stuff, now. So, SUCK ON THAT, 20-YEAR- OLD, SELF-CONCIOUS ME!
(Side note: that night of frequent reposting, 20-year- old Skyler predicted he’d hang himself by April 6th, 2006. So, if his prediction was true, he’ll never ever see this note. If that’s the case, rest easy, man.)

Added April 6, 2016
The best part of this post is that I write to 20-year-old Skyler as 22-year-old Skyler, and her I am, 30-year-old Skyler, reading about it. I don’t know why, but this tickles me a ton!
I especially enjoy the ending note. That is hilarious to me for some reason.

Facebook – “Skyler” = Super-Dumb

I am going to eat ravioli tonight, and all I can think about is
“What am I even trying to do, there”
Then I dig into the past for no reason. I find things that I don’t want to find but seem to have to know. And here
I’m thinking to myself
“What if I’m not supposed to be there, at all?”
Now I’m simply treading water. To sink or to swim? Or to flail helplessly. And all I can think about is
“Is there anything there for me, anyhow?”
Tomorrow I will begin it all again, sans ravioli. And I will probably never feel total complacency for even a day in my entire life. All I will think about is
“What would it be like, there?”

Added April 6, 2016
I’m not 100% sure what this was about. Hell, I’m not really 10% sure.

Facebook – “Blog” = Super-Dumb

I’ve hated blogs for about 4 years now. I have about 6 blogs I (try to) run at a decent level of update frequency.


…and I hate it the most.

What’the world coming to?

Added April 6, 2016
The first in the Super-Dumb series, a string of Facebook notes I did over a few breaks from school. To the best of my knowledge, there was a Summer, Thanksgiving, and Christmas ’07 series. Each was over-the-top, usually just about me hating things, and were always titled _____ = Super-Dumb. At the end of each grouping I deleted them all and save them (and the comments) in a word file for some future use.
This is that future use.
I present to you, seen for the first time in almost 8 years… Super-Dumb Summer ’07!

HM – Which Resulted in its Eventual Death

poor xanga


there is no one left to call you “friend”

Added April 12, 2017
By this point, the halcyon days of the blogging site were over, and people were leaving for “greener” “pastures”, namely Facebook.
At least I’ve put my old blog up in some fancy new digs with all its friends.