Facebook – “Waiting” = Super-Dumb

If you saw Transformers, then you saw the teaser for the new J.J. Abrams film coming out 1-18- 08. Here’s some news, from the man himself:

“I just want to say I want a monster movie. I want a great monster movie. I’ve wanted a monster movie for so long, and I was in Japan a year ago with my son who is eight, and all he wanted to do was go to toy stores – so I know he’s my son. And we went to the store and there were still all of these Godzillas, and I thought we need our own monster. We need a monster movie – not like King Kong. I love King Kong – King Kong is adorable – and Godzilla is a charming monster, but I wanted something that was just insane and intense.

“So we decided to make this movie and we’re making it for you now, and it’s almost done shooting.”


Oh holy damn…

If you saw this teaser – the hand-cam ‘party’ teaser – you know full well what’s coming. It’s name…

…is “awesomeness”

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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