Facebook – “Almost’ = Super-Dumb

I’d feel like I was nearly there if being nearly there didn’t mean an Acct final and FIVE MORE 8-HOUR SHIFTS OF WORK.

August might start tomorrow, but for me in name only.

I won’t feel safe about anything until I’m on the road to Horton Heat on Saturday, Aug. 5th.

Until then, I gotta say: This summer has not been cool.

Overly busy with stupid Acct class (Aliona: in my opinion it is stupid. while it might not actually be, keep in mind that I am blinded by frustration whenever I think about it);
Overly busy with work (expect a final “Super-Dumb” about work in the near future);
My now nursing home’d Grandfather;
People’s disgusting – and seemingly sudden – life choices;
Did I say work?;
How about that Acct class? I might not have mentioned that;
Car troubles (I’m looking to trade in, though);
Creativity leaks (WHERE ARE YOU, EVERBODY STILLS?!);
Inability to see people I say I will see;
That damned Acct. class;

…and many more.

I will be SO happy to make it to Drake. I don’t even care if I will be moving people into hot dorm rooms on a hot

day. I’ll be there, and summer will be over.


…i always wanted one…

Added April 9, 2016
Man. I was so desperate to get back to Drake it is palpable.
I mostly forgot about that Rev. Horton Heat show. Time makes fools of us all.

L&T of Skyler B – Episode 43: Goodbye, July (or: Goodbye, Summer)

So I am almost free.
I have a final to take. Then I have to work. Then, for the most part… summer can begin to end.
The start of this summer was a stress test on me. After my lackluster performance during my second semester last year, I thought for sure things were going to just go downhill until I hit a bottom. I knew they would, actually. Which is sad. And pathetic.
May ended out pretty “OK”, I suppose. I was just fearing the months ahead. Pete was home, Zak was home… mom was home… dad was working all the time, still is, actually. We played and wrote music, Pete and I played Mario 64 with near-religious dedication, I saw movies… it was fun.
Then came June. What. A. Sonuvabitch. Long, work-loaded, class-filled, boring-boring-boring, very little fun…. STRESSED-OUT!
July was worse. Mainly because I figured, if fate and destiny were gonna screw me over, they’d wait until the last possible minute. So, every day was a long, drawn out pain in the ass. Work dragged, classes and tests seemed huge and hard, everything seemed to mock me… Even going to Des Moines for the 4th seemed to be a misleading blessing of some kind, because all it really did was add new worries and doubts that weren’t there before.
But now that we’ve reached the month’s end, and I’ve got all my stuff to go back to Drake filled out and sent in, I’ve just printed off my two-weeks notice for work, my class ends tomorrow, and in one week I’ll be coming back from my second summer-trip to Des Moines, this time heading to Iowa City to see a concert. A REVEREND HORNET HEAT CONCERT! It’ll be a psychobilly freakout, is what it’ll be.
Then I’ll head back home and ride the rails into the Fall semester…
Where I can stress out over the little question of:

Added April 25, 2017
When Young Skyler slips into a kind of depression he really just lets himself go, huh? Not that this is surprising at this point, but man. What an idiot.
Most of his stress – like my own – is based entirely around not doing things right the first time, being impatient, and being lazy. I’m better about it than he is, for the most part, but that is absolutely not saying much of anything.

Facebook – “Love” = Super-Dumb 3

3quels, to the maximum extreme:

So, I figured you all deserved to see the entire love letter “Daryl” sent me. It makes me laugh a lot, so here it is:

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

sacrecoeur fleur (7:38:26 PM): i’m secretly in love with you

sacrecoeur fleur (7:39:06 PM): the amount of love in my heart is roughly equal to the number of gallons of water in the ocean and lakes and rivers of this world combined, times two

sacrecoeur fleur (7:39:59 PM): i love the way you wear that half-life t-shirt two days in a row, then lie by saying you have two instead of admitting you just wore the same shirt two days in a row

sacrecoeur fleur (7:40:33 PM): Then admit you wore the same one two days in a row, and wear it two days again, saying this time its a different shirt for real

sacrecoeur fleur (7:41:18 PM): then admit, yeah, i wore the same shirt four days in a row, and say that’s not so bad is it? then you wear it another four or five days, swearing you’ve changed to the “other half life shirt” you own. but we all know whats happened.

sacrecoeur fleur (7:41:52 PM): only one of the many endearing qualities that i find in you. many, many, many

sacrecoeur fleur (7:42:40 PM): but now i must depart. goodnight mr bartels

sacrecoeur fleur (7:43:27 PM): ……FUCK YOUR SHIT

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Aaron Jaco sent the loving words. But he ended our relationship too long ago. Sorry, Aaron… I can no longer feel anything for you in my heart.

Also, for the record… I own THREE different Half-Life shirts; One for the original, a gray logo on for the sequel that came with the collector’s edition of the game, and a giant orange logo one for HL2 that my folks got me on Christmas. I didn’t wear the same one two days in a row.

But hahahahahahah I love that he keeps that joke alive for no reason at all.

It seriously makes me LOL frequently

Added April 9, 2016
This episode is fantastic.

Facebook – “Love” = Super-Dumb 2


ok, Daryl didn’t send me that message, a guy called Aaron”Cheese-Balls” Jaco did. I just thought I’d continue the humor a little while longer.

Daryl; I couldn’t help myself.

Everyone else; No one loves me.

Go about your business.

Added April 9, 2016
Ah. There’s the joke. I have no memories of this business but from my records it only gets better.

Facebook – “Love” = Super-Dumb

Tonight my good friend Daryl confessed to me that she was in love with me. She told me that:

“the amount of love in my heart is roughly equal to the number of gallons of water in the ocean and lakes and rivers of this world combined, times two”

And there were other things said, but the first line was the only thing that really caught my attention.

“That’s a lot of love,” I thought to myself, upon reading such an IM from Daryl. “There is a lot of water on this planet already, but to multiply it by two?”

Simply too much.

And so, while I am flattered, and while Daryl is a nice girl with a bright(?) future ahead of her, I will be forced to reject her love. I could simply never think of her as anything aside from a friend. A good friend; a great person to talk to, but not to make out with.

If this breaks your heart, Daryl, I apologize. It isn’t my intent. I can just never return your feelings. I hope we can still be friends. (although, after this… I am quite sure that will be impossible).


PS: Sorry if this is too public for you. I just felt everyone should know.

Added April 8, 2016
I don’t even know what to say. There is so much that is hilarious about this post, in hindsight, that it doesn’t even need to be discussed. I don’t remember this post, I don’t remember the quoted IM. I don’t remember this at all.
But as funny as this post is, the last-minute sweep by Aaron Jaco’s comments win this whole thing. I can’t believe how hard I’m laughing.

Facebook – “Waiting” = Super-Dumb

If you saw Transformers, then you saw the teaser for the new J.J. Abrams film coming out 1-18- 08. Here’s some news, from the man himself:

“I just want to say I want a monster movie. I want a great monster movie. I’ve wanted a monster movie for so long, and I was in Japan a year ago with my son who is eight, and all he wanted to do was go to toy stores – so I know he’s my son. And we went to the store and there were still all of these Godzillas, and I thought we need our own monster. We need a monster movie – not like King Kong. I love King Kong – King Kong is adorable – and Godzilla is a charming monster, but I wanted something that was just insane and intense.

“So we decided to make this movie and we’re making it for you now, and it’s almost done shooting.”


Oh holy damn…

If you saw this teaser – the hand-cam ‘party’ teaser – you know full well what’s coming. It’s name…

…is “awesomeness”

Facebook – “Summer” = Super-Dumb 3


A: Because its stupid.
Q: Why does this summer taunt me, so?

“Alas, there was no more hope on the ocean for him than there was on the land…”

Added April 8, 2016
If you’ve read any of this archive and wondered to yourself “was Skyler always a completely pretentious bastard”, well… you probably never asked yourself that because you already had the answer.

Facebook – “Summer” = Super-Dumb 2

Sequels, still:

A man stares out at the sea before him, wondering if he’ll ever find his way home again.

Waves crash at his feet as he gazes at the sun, eyes squinted.

Blue water against a yellow beach, gray clouds against a crimson sky.

The sun vanishes beyond the horizon, to greet new faces with its warmth.

The man longs to follow in its wake.

Added April 8, 2016
OK. I don’t hate this one. Good work, Young Skyler.

Facebook – “Atlantis” = Super-Dumb

HentaiMcToonboob: sigh of sighs

HentaiMcToonboob: i never get any rest during summers. it is always stress!

HentaiMcToonboob: i will have an ulcer so big by the time i’m 25, that they will rename it “the lost Atlantis”, and make an amusement park on it, charging $100 per person for entry. and the t-shirts will suck

Evil Ember Darc: XP

HentaiMcToonboob: and none of the profits will go to helping me deal with my ulcer

Evil Ember Darc: Well duh

HentaiMcToonboob: well, they could at least pretend to have a hearts!

Added April 8, 2016
I miss you some days, Evil Ember Darc. Hope all is well.