HM – Bills

yes i made it home ok although with a thousand dollar repair bill, lord knows i wish i’d died a bit


otherwise… i like home cooked meals. i like them a whole hell of a lot.


i also like Runaways. its a good thing

Added July 11, 2016
I like how I suggest I’d be paying that bill, not my parents. You know, the people who ACTUALLY paid it?

HM – “Antifreeze” by Calvin Klein

my car died on me outside lincoln. smells like antifreeze, sounds like engine trouble.




i knew i couldn’t just GET HOME.


jesus aitch christ

Added July 8, 2016
Aitch! When I was in high school I stayed home sick and watched a spelling bee and they got like six kids out by having them spell “H” – and “aitch” was the correct answer. That bit of trivia has been utilized by me so many times over the years.
Otherwise, I remember when my car died, this trip. Stuck along the interstate for HOURS sucks.

Facebook – The Long Lost Tomb of Armand Hammer

So, here:

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When/how did we meet?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. When’s the last time you saw me?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn’t?
13. Are you going to post this in your notes and see what I say about you?

I totally stole this from Jonna’s page. You have only fifteen seconds to answer.
If you don’t. I’ll hate you.


PS! tagging people is fun and addicting


Added April 5, 2016
Some of the provided answers are a hoot! Particularly Aaron W. Jaco, who never fails to impress.

Added April 14, 2016
Found the picture that went here!

HM – Pope on a Rope

oh god i’m tired, still. i’m looking forward to just sleeping and sleeping and sleeping this week. oh god yes.

anyhow, after classes and work today i’m packing up the rest of my stuff and getting the heck outta dodge! HOORAY!

i’m seriously excited like you wouldn’t believe.

also: Xenosaga is awesome

also also: you are great

also, by the way: this chap stick tastes horrible


Added July 8, 2016
I had a photo album on Facebook titled “I Can’t Wait to Get to Hell”
I stand by that statement and will for all time.
I also apparently never got much sleep during this time period.




friday has been the worst day in a long time. first i’m unprepared (royaly) for my Ethics class, and i’m late for it, too. then i try to spend the two hours between lunch and work typing up that which was late for Ethics. i get there with the paper to find out -Whoops!- the prof had left for the day. this of course was about five minutes before i had to leave for work.

i needed gas for my car. i noticed, while driving, that i forgot my belt. i need belt for walkie! WAAAALKIEEE! every gas station is full of cars. i finally put $5 in mine, to find my wallet is probably with my belt, back at my dorm. so i have to tell gas folk “hey gas folk me am need go back for wallet and belt!” they were like “you sure are talking strange and i don’t care if you need your belt, just hurry back”

so i gather up the precious things, almost miss the gas station on my way back, and then, a full 20 minutes late into my 3pm shift i arrive at work.

toys-r-us made me work until, oh, now o’clock. then i have to go in for a 6am-2:30pm shift

if you factor in a fifteen minute drive there, at least an hour of pre-work prep time, and dinner, tonight, here, that gives me roughly two hours of sleep.

i call bullshit

but they did let me go before they were done restocking shit. but i seriously can’t take this much more. thank god i have four nights off coming up.


also, there’s a girl that looks and sounds like Erin that works at toys-r-us. its creepy. creepy-r-us. fucking messed up-r-us.

Added July 8, 2016
I asked that Erin Look-a-Like out on my way out the door when I quit and stormed out (a lot of “out” in that sentence). I didn’t stop to ask, I just walked by and pointed and asked. She said “no” and I just kept walking.
Something you can do in Iowa but can’t get away with in California? Fueling your car and leaving without paying, promising to come back. You’ll get the cops called on you, here.

HM – Two Worthless Posts in One




i probably should have told her.

i’m worthless on contact.

i should have notified her.

but all that happens is running.

i shouldn’t confide in her.

but times are providing.

i probably should have told her.

i’m worthless on contact.
(today is Day 666 for this account… a time of satan and his demon minions; “oh but we proud few, the followers of hate. let there be a moment’s prayer, for the hell of man rises this night”

Added July 8, 2016
The poem is crap, the stupid “quote” at the end is crap.
Why did I do this stuff?

HM – Melt


whoops. my clock went off a few hours late and i barely made it to my psych test.

nothing like stress right when you wake up to make you want to do well on a test.



in other news: “SAAAAAM RAIMI!”

Added July 8, 2016
Be patient… running a test…
Moments Later:
So, for some reason I can see the images on my phone without updating the posts, but not on my PC through any browser or means. So I’m back to pulling them from Xanga and Hard Copying them into the posts. Alas!
In other news: SAAAAAM RAAAIMMIIII!!!!