HM – “Will Skyler Ever See James Bond Theatre”

“Will Skyler Ever See James Bond Theatre”

Episode 21: Nope, he saw the Fountain instead



but it was so fucking awesome it made my sides split!

i had to sew them together again with thread made from broken dreams

In all seriousness, though, it did really make me step back and go “whoa, do i want to be in any kind of relationship ever again?” because of attachment issues. see it, you’ll understand



also: this is the second time so far these past few days where i had the opportunity to do/say something i wanted to but elected not to, because it would only complicate things further.

these opportunities need to stop presenting itself.

Added March 27, 2017
Did eventually see that Bond film, and I think it is probably the best one ever made. But “The Fountain” is easily one of the best films I’ve ever seen, and one I am constantly amazed I don’t own.
Also, why is Pete talking about Democracy?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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