HM – Tastes like a Monday

“maybe i’ll be a milkman!”
“focus, homer!”



in other news: i just washed my hair in a bathroom sink.

it sure does taste like a monday

Added March 25, 2017
I have nowhere else to put this, but I’ll put it here:
Working, currently on a Saturday. Listening to an old Gorillaz live concert on YouTube (by listening I mean, very clearly watching) and I just started weeping openly. Not because of the beauty (or lack thereof, that’s an opinion thing and I’m not going to get into that, here) inherent in the music, but because these people came together to make it happen.
Sometimes the beauty is just in the fact that everything exists for us to put into a pattern that we deem suitable. Sometimes the beauty is just in being able to recognize the pattern.
And sometimes? Sometimes the beauty just in everything.
God bless, and I love everyone as much as I can.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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