

friday has been the worst day in a long time. first i’m unprepared (royaly) for my Ethics class, and i’m late for it, too. then i try to spend the two hours between lunch and work typing up that which was late for Ethics. i get there with the paper to find out -Whoops!- the prof had left for the day. this of course was about five minutes before i had to leave for work.

i needed gas for my car. i noticed, while driving, that i forgot my belt. i need belt for walkie! WAAAALKIEEE! every gas station is full of cars. i finally put $5 in mine, to find my wallet is probably with my belt, back at my dorm. so i have to tell gas folk “hey gas folk me am need go back for wallet and belt!” they were like “you sure are talking strange and i don’t care if you need your belt, just hurry back”

so i gather up the precious things, almost miss the gas station on my way back, and then, a full 20 minutes late into my 3pm shift i arrive at work.

toys-r-us made me work until, oh, now o’clock. then i have to go in for a 6am-2:30pm shift

if you factor in a fifteen minute drive there, at least an hour of pre-work prep time, and dinner, tonight, here, that gives me roughly two hours of sleep.

i call bullshit

but they did let me go before they were done restocking shit. but i seriously can’t take this much more. thank god i have four nights off coming up.


also, there’s a girl that looks and sounds like Erin that works at toys-r-us. its creepy. creepy-r-us. fucking messed up-r-us.

Added July 8, 2016
I asked that Erin Look-a-Like out on my way out the door when I quit and stormed out (a lot of “out” in that sentence). I didn’t stop to ask, I just walked by and pointed and asked. She said “no” and I just kept walking.
Something you can do in Iowa but can’t get away with in California? Fueling your car and leaving without paying, promising to come back. You’ll get the cops called on you, here.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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