HM – Casino Royale Review

i can review james bond:

movie movie movie movie movie ending “WAIT WHAT?! WHERE’S THE CREDITS?! WHAT THE FUCK, THERE’S MORE MOVIE!?” movie movie movie movie movie ending “JESUS CHRIST MORE MOVIE?! FUCK!!!!” movie movie movie love scene love scene love scene ending “WAIT JESUS STOP THE LOVE SCENES! OH A SURPRISE TWIST!” movie movie movie movie ending “WAIT WHAT’S THIS?!” credits



an I-don’t-know/10



demetri martin is hilarious. i laugh a lot all the time. sometimes.

Added March 27, 2017
Man, I should watch Casino Royale, Dr. Strange, and then Rogue One as a marathon on a Monday I have off, some time in the future. A Monday Mads Movie Marathon. I’m down.

HM – A Real Conversation

steve: “all letters after F suck anyhow”

me: “what about h?”

steve: “worthless. you can say things without it.”

me: “…what about hello?”

steve:”pfft, Hola… shit”

Added March 27, 2017
This about made me choke, just now.

Facebook – Experiensationalism

Once more I am bored before work and will steal this thing off Adam’s page and place it here:

1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Napster, Media Player, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. I added this one, if you have a repeat artist, skip it and move to the next song

Opening Credits:
Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd

Waking Up:
Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode (this is going to be a horrible movie)

First Day at School:
The Garden – Guns N Roses

Falling in Love:
Invid – Dieselboy (uh… if I have this heavy electronic beat for “falling in love”…)

Fight Song:
Cosmik… Debris? – Frank Zappa? (this is just strange…)

Breaking Up:
(Oh shit!) Don’t take your love away – Jon Crosby (so so fitting)

Loose Cannon – Jeff Beck (explosive/hard-hitting/passionate. not like prom at all)

Life’s OK:
Shadow of the Sun – Audioslave (kinda somber for “OK”, isn’t it?)

Mental Breakdown:
The Magnificent Tree – Hooverphonic (huh)

Mother Nature’s Son – The Beatles (actually this is a pretty good driving song)

Gold – Plastic Noise Experience (…ok)

Getting Back Together:
Since I’ve Been Loving You – Led Zeppelin

Warm Regards – Steve Vai (gotta say, I’m digging this one)

Birth of Child:
Band on the Run – Paul McCartney & Wings

Final Battle:
Waiting for the Night – Rabbit in the Moon (Depeche Mode cover)

Death Scene:
Birthday Dethday – Dethklok (haha when i was thinking about doing this i was like “i wonder if this song’ll show up on here…?”

Funeral Song:
Busy Child – The Crystal Method

End Credit:
Right Now – Van Halen

I hated doing this. I wonder why I did…?


Added April 5, 2016
I should do this, now!

Opening Credits:
Lightning Bolt – Pearl Jam (eh)
Waking Up:
Here Comes the Sun/The Inner Light [Transition] – The Beatles (Love)
First Day at School:
Death of a Party – Blur (ha!)
Falling in Love:
Waiting – Porcupine Tree (works for me)
Fight Song:
O New England – The Decemberists (another weak fight song)
Breaking Up:
Devil’s Daughter – Silvertide (bleh)
When – Opeth (i WISH this was my prom!)
Life’s OK:
Roll with It – Oasis (much better)
Mental Breakdown:
Oh! Dungeon – Toby Fox, Undertald soundtrack (huh)
My Secret Garden – Depeche Mode (interesting choice)
Ashes in the Snow – Mono (cool!)
Getting Back Together:
Bumaye – KMFDM (shockingly fitting or fittingly shocking?)
C’mon and Love Me – Kiss (genius)
Birth of Child:
Without Fear – Lacuna Coil (huh)
Final Battle:
The Summoning – FFX Soundtrack (not very interesting for a final battle)
Death Scene:
Bones – The Killers (blah)
Funeral Song:
E for Extinction – Thousand Foot Krutch (i have music by this band?)
End Credit:
Schachtende – Plastic Noise Experience (why not?)

Added April 14, 2016
Photo updated. I love that picture!

HM – “Will Skyler Ever See James Bond Theatre”

“Will Skyler Ever See James Bond Theatre”

Episode 21: Nope, he saw the Fountain instead



but it was so fucking awesome it made my sides split!

i had to sew them together again with thread made from broken dreams

In all seriousness, though, it did really make me step back and go “whoa, do i want to be in any kind of relationship ever again?” because of attachment issues. see it, you’ll understand



also: this is the second time so far these past few days where i had the opportunity to do/say something i wanted to but elected not to, because it would only complicate things further.

these opportunities need to stop presenting itself.

Added March 27, 2017
Did eventually see that Bond film, and I think it is probably the best one ever made. But “The Fountain” is easily one of the best films I’ve ever seen, and one I am constantly amazed I don’t own.
Also, why is Pete talking about Democracy?

Facebook – Why, that’s Nihilarious!

So, in the spirit of stealing these things because i’m bored at work:

Look at your wall and list the last twelve people who have commented you. If someone has commented twice, skip to the next new commenter. Skip spam stuff. Then answer the questions!

1. Ngan Hoang
2. Audra Leichleiter
3. Emily Chloupek
4. Chris Hamburger
5. Kristall Knieper
6. Aaron W. Jaco
7. Tom Thomas
8. Morgan sXe
9. Angela Miceli
10. Zak Bartels
11. Daryl Vitali
12. Jo Hawxby

Q: Have you ever kissed number 7?
A. No, no for the love of God, no! (no offense, Tom)

Q: What’s the best memory you have of 9?
A. Like most females, driving her nuts with my obnoxious ways

Q: When’s the next time you’re gonna see 4?
A: whenever i run into him next

Q: Is number 8 pretty?
A: i would say the answer is yes (thank god it wasn’t a dude, there!)

Q: What was your first impression of number 10?
A: heheh, it cracks me up because he’s my brother… hahah, god i hated him.

Q: How did you meet 3?
A: through her brother, eric

Q: Is 11 your best friend?
A: no. although her title might lead you to think that was the case…

Q: Have you seen 5 in the last month?
A: never met her

Q: When was the last time you saw 12?
A: long while ago. what’s the deal with that?

Q: Have you ever been to 1’s house?
A: no. that would only be awkward

Q: When’s the next time you’ll see 10?
A: christmas break

Q: Are you really close to 3?
A: i don’t know, she’s in lincoln, i’m in des moines… on a universal scale, i’d say “yes”

Q: Have you ever been to the movies with 6?
A: technically… he WAS there when i saw silent hill the second time

Q: Have you ever gotten in trouble with 2?
A: nothing major. i’m sure we had our spats in high school

Q: Would you ever go out with number 7?
A: uh… jesus Tom, sorry but no

Q: What do you and number 3 talk about the most?
A: work and comics and stuff

Q: Do you even know 9?
A: uh, yes

Q: Would you give number 3 a hug?
A: it would depend on the situation. but probably no

Q: Would you ever go on a date with number 11?
A: probably not, sorry.

Q: Are you in love with number 12?
A: yes. jo, lets run away together.

Q: Have you ever lied to number 9?
A: i lie to everyone

Q: Do you know a secret about number 8?
A: i don’t know. this is getting old

Q: Describe the relationship between number 9 and number 5.
A: they each know me. thats about it

Q: What is the best thing about your friendship with number 4?
A: humor and sarcasm. dark, dark sarcasm

Q: What is the worst thing about number 1?
A: SHE IS ALIVE!!! ha, i kid… i kid…

Q: Have you ever danced with number 7?
A: no. jesus Tom, they want us to date or something

Q: How long have you known number 12?
A: seems like forever. but its only actually been two months

Q: Have you ever been in a fight with number 8?
A: no

Q: Does number 9 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
A: jesus is everyone’s boyfriend

Q: Have you ever been a co-worker with number 6?
A: we all are co-workers in life

Q: Have you ever wanted to punch number 2 in the face?
A: yes. audra, all the time. BAM!

Q: Has number 1 ever met your mother?
A: no

Q. How did you meet number 6?
A: Yasmina’s class, my first year; he was a young, freshfaced boy full of ideas, i was a hideous monster

Q: Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5?
A: no. i’ve never met them!

Q: What is the best memory you have with number 8?
A: borat. or other things. or a bunch of stuff.

Q: Do you live close to 7?
A: actually, in a shocking turn of events, yes. yes i do.

Q: What is number 2’s favorite food?
A: nope

Q: Out of your top 12, which one would you say is the funniest?
A: aaron and zak

Q: Who is the most flirtatious?
A: Tom. No, wait! OH SHIT!

Q: If you could change one thing about number 3, what would it be?
A: Huge, robot arms and laser eyes!

Q: Say something nice about number 11.
A: no

Q: Which one lives the farthest away?
A: the fan

Q: Which one do you hang out with the most?
A: he knows who

Q: Who is the loudest?
A: me. i’m done with this. bye.

Added April 5, 2016
This thing assumed I was in love with Tom Thomas so bad…
There are some other humorous things, here. “Spats” with Audra, my description of meeting Aaron, how differently I viewed my friendship with Daryl at the time.
Responses, here, are the real winners, though.

HM – Tastes like a Monday

“maybe i’ll be a milkman!”
“focus, homer!”



in other news: i just washed my hair in a bathroom sink.

it sure does taste like a monday

Added March 25, 2017
I have nowhere else to put this, but I’ll put it here:
Working, currently on a Saturday. Listening to an old Gorillaz live concert on YouTube (by listening I mean, very clearly watching) and I just started weeping openly. Not because of the beauty (or lack thereof, that’s an opinion thing and I’m not going to get into that, here) inherent in the music, but because these people came together to make it happen.
Sometimes the beauty is just in the fact that everything exists for us to put into a pattern that we deem suitable. Sometimes the beauty is just in being able to recognize the pattern.
And sometimes? Sometimes the beauty just in everything.
God bless, and I love everyone as much as I can.

HM – Suicidal Thoughts

i’ve been thinking about suicide lately. not as in “i am going to commit suicicde yarrr!”, no no.

i was thinking about it the other night and came to a realization that i could never go through with it. i tried to come up with a list of reasons why i couldn’t do it and you know what the number one reason was?

i’m too scared of what would happen if there was nothing after death.

i like to think that when we die, thats it… nothing else, just… nothing. i find it much funnier and a way better prank on life, period. so, ha, find it shocking with me when i discover that the number one reason why i could never kill myself is because that thing which i find so funny is also too scary a thing for me too face.



this work thing is needed and i enjoy the job but jesus aitch christ i have no time anymore. i feel too spread out, now. between work study, work, and class, i just don’t have any time to do anything anymore. and i feel like school is losing a little bit which sucks even worse. but i also have no social life. i’ve tried to see about three movies in the past month but all my plans have been nixed because -shocker in 3… 2…. 1…- i work every night and the nights i don’t work, i have a night class. i’ve put off a date for far too long, now.

i just… i don’t know. jesus.

my art at my webcomic -and the layout of the site, too- has taken a toll because of this as well. dead dead dead.

i really wanna see james bond. but i never will…

oh lordie

PS: maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

DOUBLE PS: and this is going to be more information than anyone really cares to know, but i now find clothes to be too bothersome. they are bulky and annoying.

Way more important:

Added March 22, 2017
I don’t know what was under PS THE THIRD but that doesn’t matter because I seem to have jumped a huge distance in posts, meaning something is missing, somewhere. I’ll have to investigate, immediately.

HM – Young Skyler is a Vague Asshole



some interesting topics later… for now, i must prepare myself for another shit at work

i mean shift

i mean shift…

also, 2 things:

1) for those of you just tuning in, i finally beat the Xenosaga trilogy. it was awesome and confusing and made me think about a lot of stuff

2) missing your chance to do something you’ve waited years to do sucks. it sucks worse when you elected not to do it because it was a far better choice than doing it

Added March 22, 2017
I have no clue what he’s referencing in that second point, but on the first one, I love that I did finally beat those games. Having said that, the only thing that series should make one thing about is how crazy the Japanese are because there was nothing deep in there by the end.

HM – Minivan Woes


its true admit it

i’m back at drake and working and wowee

i am driving a mini van because not only is my car expensive but it is also in the shop

games are cool

Added July 11, 2016
I remember having to drive that minivan for a week or so.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is this thing that I used to think was very, very funny when I was younger. The irreverence of it all worked for me. As I grew older, my tastes changed and I found it to be lacking.
Broodwich, however, is still a great episode and the show has some moments of hilarity sprinkled throughout its over-long lifespan.