So I got an email saying that these $100 tickets to see Bill Clinton at a charity dinner thing were only $30. So, naturally, I got one. Its on Oct. 14th at 7:30PM. I’m seriously excited.

Friday I have plans.
Saturday I have plans.
Sunday I have plans.
-and only about 1/5 of these plans involve family. I’m doing well.


‘cept I’m not. My throat has been dry and sore and scratchy all day and now it’s keeping me up. Which sucks. A lot. I hope I don’t have something nasty, because I don’t want to catch my death.

We had our banned book night, tonight. A bunch of students and some prof’s got together to celebrate banned book week and read selections from our favorite banned books. It was all part of the Drake Lit Society (aka FUCK)’s grand plan to get our name out there. So far? I think it still needs work, but the turnout was OK so I’m thrilled.




…I’m only lonely when I go to sleep.
A silent room is nothing new to me, I did have my own room at home, growing up (or, I guess… before college). But that was in a house full of people and love. This is just a cold building full of people I don’t know.
I don’t know… It’s really the only time its bad. Which is nice, sure, but I wish there was a way to make it not so lonely when I go to bed…
-sweet dreams…

Added July 8, 2016
So those images didn’t pull over but its getting easier to pull them from Xanga. Its an extra step but worth it.
I’ve never done well sleeping by myself. Even if Aubrey leaves for a night I have just the hardest time. I stay up way too late and get awful sleep.
I read from “Little Black Sambo” which is an awful but hilarious book. Referenced the tigers turning to butter in Fables which was hilarious and unexpected.
Also, thanks, Zak.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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