HM – Magus, Walking

Day 615:


LOST isn’t really new tonight, but it is the first time for me since last season, so that’s awesome.

I only have like two comic books today. That’s awesome.

I hope that package with Veronica Mars comes today. That’d be nice.

Monday – HEROES
Wednesday – LOST!!!!

TV is as TV is as TV is as TV is as…
-tv does…

Added July 8, 2016
Those shows go in ascending order of quality. Especially at that point in time.
Trying to dig for those audio files. Forgot all about this, but I used to run an “audio blog” for six seconds and I’d like to get that shit back for no reason aside from archival purposes.
I hope to find them.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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