HM – Forever and a Half Ago

it hasn’t even been a week (although its been pretty close) since i got out of school and it already feels like forever and a half ago that i was in college.
that’s probably because i didn’t have finals and, as a result, haven’t really been in college for two weeks.

Added February 16, 2017
Feels like a decade since I’ve been in college.
Oh, wait…

HM – Silent Hill Teaser

official teaser for Silent Hill.

dude, check out the pipe-draggin’ nurses and the twisty leg people!

and the fog and white noise! the fog and white noise!

damn it! looks like there are pyramid heads!


Added February 16, 2017
Had to replace the Teaser link with a YouTube video for posterity.
That teaser makes the movie look so dark and grim. Which it is, of course. But man, all the same.
Still wish they’d left Pyramid Head out, though they did as good a job as they could, I suppose.
Let’s not speak of the incredibly awful sequel, by the way.

HM – Well, Cool.

what up?

nothin, eh?

well, cool.

i’m home for a month, now. good food and stuff. yay. went to sydney nebraska over the weekend. my grandmother is going to be here for christmas (which is only five or six days away, now). zak and i have been and will continue to watch big o all the way through. and i guess thats it.

Added February 16, 2017
I think this is the trip my grandmother, god bless her soul, tried to grab French fries out of my older brother’s lap. That visual is the greatest thing in the history of all time and space.

HM – Stink Chariot

Added February 16, 2017
When I was in college I had a Favorites folder in Firefox for webcomics. I think it had, like, 15-16 of them. Penny Arcade, BOASAS, White Ninja, Scary Go Round, Mega Tokyo, etc. So many that I can’t even count them, these days.
Now? I read Penny Arcade and Questionable Content routinely and sometimes check Cyanide and Happiness, XKCD, and Perry Bible. That’s it.
Times have changed.

HM – Zak Bartels was Sephiroth for Christmas

all packed up, ready to go home for break.

watched (and finally got back my copy of) Mulholland Drive, today. Always fun to make people watch that for the first time. even if it took hours and days and weeks and months. almost a full semester, Daryl.  you should be ashamed. if you were anyone else i’d punch you. so i’ll just punch Jonna.


this, above all things, has made me very happy:

after this post i’m shutting the computer down and packing the computer-box up for the trip home. gotta take ‘er just in case we play WoW over break. should be fun-fun times express inc.!
if i don’t see you, talk to you, yell at you, or communicate with you via brainwaves before i’m back from break, have a fan-fuckin’-tastic christmas, you stupid ass-hats!

Added February 16, 2017
I can’t wait until we’re closer to KHIII’s release and we start getting more images and hints at the game’s contents.
That thing about Mulholland Drive is true of all Lynch films, really. Making someone watch it for their first time is a treat for both parties. It’s a good thing.

HM – Tummy Troubles

i don’t think my tummy likes that i’m living. i don’t think it understands the delicate balance of being alive vs not being alive. this is bad news as, i for one enjoy living right now. let me tell you why

monday i got up and went to my only real final. then i came back and played WoW from probably 4pm – 1am

tuesday i got up and turned some papers in and then played WoW from around 3pm – 12am

yesterday, wednesday, i got up, turned some final stuff in, then played WoW from about 3pm – 2am

today i don’t have anything to do but go to my Acting 1 final and then i’ll just play WoW again.
so, as you can plainly see, the reasons why the british lost the revolutionary war are fairly simple to understand.
in other news:


Added February 16, 2017
I wish I had this kind of time to play video games, anymore. I really do. I want to blast through FFXV but I don’t have the time to do such things. Too many responsibilities. Ugh. Adulthood.

HM – Tom Hanks is Old: Starring Tom Hanks

what else is up today.

turns out that Goon comic comes out next week, but Books of Doom is still out today, i’m going to head out to pick it up, read it, then sit and smile about it. i’ll have to have pete go out and collect the things i want next week for me, since he’ll still be places to get them.
last night i made it to about level 18 with my new(ish) troll warrior named (you guessed it) Raaz. i guess you can only guess that if you know anything about my RPG history…

saw the trailer for Da Vinci Code. they probably should have called it Tom Hanks is too Old. that seems to fit better. otherwise, the movie looks like it could be a decent adaptation, not that we need one, though.
also, the top five action movies ever are
5. Predator
4. Leathal Weapon 4
3. The Professional
2. Kill Bill vol. 1
1. Die Hard
seacrest…… out!

Added February 16, 2017
These days, that Mad Max: Fury Road isn’t on that list is the biggest crime. But Young Skyler didn’t know, couldn’t know. It isn’t really his fault he wasn’t alive in current times.
Lethal Weapon 4?
Raaz is the only Troll for me and the one I’ll carry with me forever.
They made two more Tom Hanks is Old movies. Why? $$$$. Hankie Boy gotta make dat paper, son!

HM – Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

ok, so i’m pretty much done with finals. just need to show up places and turn things in. thats cool.


art final in 2 hours. i would be showering buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut the cleaning people are in there. barf.

the art final is just “turn in paper” and maybe the course evaluation? not sure.

then i’ll come back and play World of Warcraft until i go to bed, just like old times. ha ha ha! seriously, thats all i plan on doing this week. and maybe going in and getting some hours in at the help desk tomorrow. and going and buying the new issue of The Goon. that is, if the weather likes me.

i talked current music with my friend aaron the other day. we went over Audioslave, Velvet Revolver, Coldplay, Beck, etc. Speaking of current music, the other day I head a cover of Depeche Modes’ “People are People” by some new band. I must find out who did it and cry at them!

i think the best five comedy-type movies of all time are:
5. Ghostbusters
4. Dr. Strangelove
3. Big Lebowski
2. Monty Python’s Holy Grail
1. Blazing Saddles
why do you care? you probably don’t.
also, did i ever mention that this album surpassed my expectations? (and that the version i got is selling for $55 at amazon and i got it for about $30?)

Added February 16, 2017
I don’t know that I agree with that Comedy list, these days. Some of them, yes, but maybe not 100%.
My favorite finals were the ones where you just had to turn in a paper by a certain time. That meant you could get it done and then coast through the rest of the days without any major issue.
I’m glad I don’t buy comic books anymore, but I am seriously upset that that Goon movie never got made. Such deep lore, there.

HM – The Game Still Works!

this is easily the most addictive game i’ve played…

…all morning. to play you hit the top option after it loads.

the goal is to keep the guy from getting or destroying your cursor. don’t move it off the screen or touch the blue sides or you lose points.


my high score right now is 838
what’s your’s?

Added February 16, 2017
I remember this game! And the link still works, too, which is shocking. Just got 632 on my first attempt at this game in likely a decade or more. Impressive.