HM – Christmas 2005

merry christmas, motherfuckers!
and you too, erin
(ps its a good thing)
well, the day is pretty much over.

pete and debi were here. they got me two comic book subscriptions (Runaways and Astonishing X-Men, which is done by Lord Whedon himself)
zak got me the excellent Toothpaste for Dinner book, being the best coffee table book ever made.

and my folks got me a lot of good stuff. i got the third Artemis Fowl book (finally!), Ultimate X-Men vol 4, Runaways vol 1, some DVDs (War of the Worlds, Die Hard, etc), and Ico for the PS2, which I’ve been dying to play since Shadow of the Colossus (best game of 2005?)
anyhow, i guess… hope everyone out there had a decent christmas (at least). and i hope everyone has corn-cob pipes and panflutes to look forward to (aka New Years)

see you later, stupid heads! we should aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall hang out sometime!

Added February 16, 2017
If I’d gotten any closer to Erin back then I would have been friendzoned so hard that my picture would be next to the word in the dictionary and my story would be used to describe the term for future generations.
SotC absolutely was the best game of 2005. Though Metacritic says it was Resident Evil 4. They are liars.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “HM – Christmas 2005”

    An Erin robot.
    Wait, you could use it for gross purposes…I was actually hinting at you getting an Erin robot so it could go to work for me and we could buy some TCBY frozen yogurt. And when I say we buy, I mean you buy and I eat and YOU LIKE IT THAT WAY.


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