HM – Sorrow

i had a sad dream last night.

we had cloned my sister, sarah, and got her memory and age right back to where she last left off… she was healthy and bright and happy and it was just depressing. it just wasn’t right. it didn’t feel right at all and that was also sad because we had obviously spent a whole lot of money.

no one wanted to say anything about it to her or each other, but we all knew.

today i went to wauneta, NE to pick up my grandmother and bring her back. about seven hours on the road nonstop through borningville USA
christmas eve tomorrow.

Added February 16, 2017
Damn, Jesus, dude. That is a horrible dream.
I don’t have much else to add to that, other than the fact that I’m glad I don’t have many Sarah dreams, these days. Miss her dearly, but only when she’s not coming at me all fucked up.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2