deviantart – Another Month, Another Dollar

Well, is still running. Glad about that, that I am.

College life is boring, still. Sad, huh?

I have lately been finding it easier and easier to create small comics again. Fun.

Also of note, for those of you who like Sticky Cat… believe me when I tell you your wish is about to be granted…

Added February 27, 2017
And if you STILL want to see adventures featuring Sticky Cat, well… Too bad.
I like how I posted note things on this site for no reason and then proceeded to fill them with very little. And what little I did provide was meaningless and empty.

HM – Blind

“Livin’ like a bug ain’t easy”


Is it bad that I’m kinda scared to go to sleep? Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Really big. Like, the biggest day I’ve had all semester. If something goes wrong, and I mean anything at all, its going to ruin the day. And maybe the week. It’ll pretty much throw off the entire semester thus far. I won’t be able to take that, I don’t think.

Sometimes I have conversations with people that result in me being confused. Its normal for people talking to me to get confused, but its rare that I’m aware enough of whats being said to even get confused about it. Sometimes my views on life get kinda turned upside down for no reason, other than the fact that I don’t understand life.


I saw a blind guy with a seeing eye dog today and it made me think.

Those two have each other. Their lives are great and good because of each other. Both live better lives with each other than they would without one another and they have a bond and a friendship that is strong and meaningful. They rely on each other, help each other survive, and make each other’s day easier and more enjoyable. Their lives are better because they have each other.

It makes me sad that this kind of relationship is almost impossible for one human to have with another human. Its too rare.

Added February 10, 2017
That last bit about the blind man and his dog actually hits home. I completely understand what Young Skyler was trying to say and I think it was well put.
I think I’m the blind man in my relationship, based on how reliant I am to even get around with Aubrey’s help. But that would make her the dog and I would think she’d take offense to that. So its all a wash, isn’t it?

HM – Let’s Talk About Punishing

Day 263: Let’s Talk About Punishing

Today I went to Best Buy so I could depress myself with all the low-priced stuff I couldn’t purchase due to the giant lack of funds.

As I’m leaving, some lady is screaming over near the Geek Squad (computer help folk) area about her computer not working. To normal people, she’d be spouting gibberish. But to people who know a thing or two about computers, it made perfect sense. Funny, then, that the Geek Squad folk had no idea what she was talking about.

So, curious, me and a few other people (none of us knew each other, something we found really interesting after) went over to see what the problem was. After translating for the Geek Squad folk, discovering the Geek Squad folk had no damn idea, and learning how we could work together to fix it, we did just that. Problem solved, registry cleaned, virus destroyed… One fixed computer.

The woman turns to us, “Do you guys work here?”

“No,” we say, shaking our heads.

She turns to the Geek Squad folks and says “You motherfuckers should hire these bastards,” and walks off without paying.

After some stern looks and a stern talking to, we were “escorted” (very nicely) out of the store.

Fucking Best Buy jackasses… They can go rot in hell to death…

I should fill out another application
-that’d be awesome…

Added February 10, 2017
Young Skyler had a penchant for embellishing stories to near-nonsensical levels.
THIS story, however, is almost exactly as it happened. I remember the face on the woman as she was practically screaming that day, and I remember the smiles me and the other extremely nerdy people had on our faces when we were outside the store.
That we never exchanged names or phone numbers is always a loss, in my opinion.

Page 21 – I Kinda Do, These Days

I Hate Jimmy Page (not really)

Moving on is hard to do.

But so far this month has been really easy, whereas last year’s October was a pain in the ass (for lots of reasons).

The hole can’t be filled, Sarah, but I miss you all the same. Love you lots, always

Added May 18, 2016
Man, there sure were a lot of these “Sarah” posts on this old blog. I’m sure it only seems that way due to how quickly I’ve gone through them, but man.
Sorry if I overdid it, anyone.

HM – But I Can Enjoy Blue Wonder Power Milk

Day 262: But I Can Enjoy Blue Wonder Power Milk

Zak has left. Here’s a weekend recap:

Friday – Pretty much took off to see Rachel’s play. It was funny, better (I thought) than the one I’d seen at Drake not more than a night before. Stayed there, pretended to sleep while her roommate+1 came in with a dog.

Saturday – Wrote a short story, took Zak to Serenity, then came back and watched Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, some Home Movies, Advent Children, and some FMP? Fumoffu. Ate some kickass food upstairs with Tal and Jonna and Daryl and that was cool.

Sunday – Went to art gallery (remember, the one from FYS last year?) and took Zak to a comic book store to buy a Flash comic. I’ve shown some resistance today, not buying the fourth Ultimate X-Men hardcover. Good work, Skyler!


Ok, now here’s what has to get done before Tuesday:
-Short Story for Reading/Writing Social Changes – DONE!
-Read and annotate two other short stories from classmates – 1/2 DONE!
-Paper on artwork from gallery – UPDATE!!! DONE @ 6:50!!!
-Presentation on Chinese Revolution poetry
-Paper on Taming of the Shrew
-Audition for Acting 1 (Monday)


Monday all I have to do is get done with class/work (audition should go well) and then do the Shrew paper. That should be pretty easy since its not even a final copy due.

Tuesday classes are going to be easy, so long as I get the Art paper done tonight. All I’ll have to do is show up, hand in papers, and pretend I’m interested in class. Then, after Read/Write Drama, I have to work on the poetry-presentation shit for night class. I also think we’re going to let out early to go to Drake Writer’s Night which means I have to write some horrible new short story (since I’ve never read anything old there in my life)

Wednesday will be simple, pretty much. Just gotta survive to LOST and coast the rest of the night after that

Thursday… I just need to make it through Thursday. Won’t be too long, but will probably be very boring and full of work.

Friday is just another day. I just need to survive, pack up my shit, and go to Lincoln to see MSI that night. Then its fall break!

And tonight I need to type up that Art paper, do some lite work on the Shrew paper (nothing like getting ahead!) and then relax after a kinda-busy weekend. Watch some Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad… It should be pretty simple.


If I had more money… I’m going to end this right here because it’ll just depress me…

Otherwise, I don’t know what else to say to you guys. Eat, drink, and get married. At least, I think thats how that saying goes…
-its the music of the great, the music of the sun and the stars… the music of your self…

Added January 4, 2017
I enjoy, thoroughly, that Young Skyler had to resort to self-praise regarding not spending money he hardly had on stuff he hardly needed. Current Skyler does that, too…
…Good Jesus, thinking about having to write any amount of content about Chinese poetry longer than this very sentence is giving me waking nightmares.
That Mindless Self Indulgence show is one I forget I attended, despite still finding the t-shirt I got in my closet. You can tell it ranks high on my list of best live shows, huh?

HM – Cell Phone Super-Highway

Day 260: Cell Phone Super-Highway

I got a call from my work-friend (over summer) Paul who wanted to get drunk over the phone. I told him I had to get to sleep early and then proceeded to stay up another good hour.

Captain Apathy is finally getting finished. All I needed to do was… uh, care enough to actualy work on it some. Hoo-rah.

Zak’s spending the weekend with my while my mom’s mom is in the hospital. Timing on this couldn’t have been worse… let’s see, what’s next Monday’s date…?

Could be fun, could be a disaster. All I know is I have a lot to do inbetween now and when the possible disaster is through. So, smiles all around people!
-i got work to do…

Added February 10, 2017
The real reason I didn’t want Zak around that weekend was because I was planning on putting the moves on someone and he would (and did) get in the way. Having said that, I convinced him to watch Advent Children and see Serenity with me, so it was a win in the end, overall.
I miss super-late phone calls with people. Texting has ruined social interactions that cell phone calls ruined, first. Damn you, technology!

HM – Out of Mad About Affair

Day 259: Out of Mad About Affair

It is cold.

Homework sucks.

Alarms are good way of getting up in the morning.

Supreme Court

Worthless post.
-never gonna stop me…

Added February 10, 2017
Post title is an amalgamation of a bunch of Hooverphonic song titles. And it is stupid.
But not as stupid as Young Skyler commenting below that he hates pancakes.
Don’t worry, folks. He was just retarded.