HM – “Xanga Break” Lasted Four Days. Color Me Impressed!

i’m pissed

My Comic:

Natalie Dee’s Comic:


Like this isn’t idea-stealing at its finest…

Added February 11, 2017
These are eerily similar…
Also: Updated broken Sticky Cat image and saved and re-uploaded the Natalie Dee comic so that there is proof for the ages.

HM – Unleashed Review

Unleashed was good. Really good. If you thought previews looked good, rent it. Jet Li kicks a guy. And blocks a punch with his own head. Its also got a story, some more fights, and Bob Hoskins. You can’t lose.

Taking a break from Xanga, now. See you all later
Skyler Bartels

Added February 11, 2017
I should rewatch THAT movie, too.
Taking a break from Xanga. Wanna put a wager down that it lasts, like, a day?

HM – Micky Mouse Tree

Day 268: Micky Mouse Tree

I got up and went out to Benkleman(men?), NE and got a lot of beef-related meat products. Left at 6:40ish and got back at 1:30ish. Crazy.

My neck is still sore from moshing last night. That show was intense and insane. Fawesome.

I’m kinda sad and uncomfortable but its my own fault so I’m ok with it. Just something I need to work on.

Its killing me to not watch the TV. Bobo BoBobo or whatever the hell it is… the noises alone are fucked up as hell…

Ok, I’m going to go watch Unleashed, now. Catch you later, crotchjocky!
-you ass-hat, you…

Added February 11, 2017
I hate that Young Skyler didn’t spellcheck at all and so I have to leave that typo in the title.
I love that stupid Iron Man picture.
I hate that Young Skyler is using the “word” “fawesome”.
I love the movie Unleashed.

HM – Post-MSI Show

holy shit.

that concert was fawesome. i screamed and shouted and boy howdy did i mosh. got hit in the face with an elbow. it was cool.

holy junk, friends. my throat is still scratchy. boy did i sweat, too! and i got my cd booklets signed by Jimmy Urine. shook his hand, too which, afterwards, i kinda wished i hadn’t… i’ve heard… things

ok bed

Added February 11, 2017
In the comments there is a “glad to hear you had fun!” and I’m realizing for the first time how it must feel to be a complete outsider having read Young Skyler’s posts in real-time: depressing as fuck.
I’m glad you had fun, too, Young Skyler. Keep it up.

HM – Magic Versus Science? Please…

Day 266: Magic Versus Science? Please…

The Goon is an odd story… its about a guy that just beats people up and happens to also take place in a town full of zombies. You can’t go wrong with zombies!

Today my Drama class was cancelled and I did a little dance in my room when I found out. It meant I got to take a nap. Only I didn’t, on account’a my meeting with Spaulding went on for 40 minutes. It was a good meeting though, jokes and laughs and position statement papers and my writing and my classes and etc. And A History of Violence and how she’s going to let me focus on my newfound interest in why I am interested in violence and use that for my position statement. Which will be pretty cool, I’d wager.

LOST was different last night. Speaking of zombies…

Work is boring, these days. I just sit here wishing I had more comic books, which I don’t have. I play lots of collapse, though, which is kinda sucky because you can’t pause it at all, so any time I have to go the front desk or answer the phone, I have to hit refresh and start it over. Plus the constant clicking of the mouse kinda irks my coworkers from time to time. But they haven’t thrown a chair at me, yet. Well, not today anyhow.

Moonlighting is a well put together show from the 80s. Check it out.

This time tomorrow I’ll be heading to Lincoln. MSI tomorrow, bitches! Gabba-Gabba-Hey! Gabba-Click-Click-Click!

I am once again real excited to go to sleep tonight. I’m in a 50/50 kinda mood, full of sunshine and smiles, and am still really really tired.

I’m also overly-fascinated with the axe-scythe thing Buffy used at the end of the series. I remember seeing that for the first time and going “Wow. That thing looks damn cool…”. It was probably all the red and sliver and the wooden stake on the opposite end. When it showed up in Fray it took me forever to realize what it was. I mean, its on the cover and everything but I didn’t realize what it was until they came out and said it. The neat thing is, if you check your dates and facts, Fray was out first, before the axe-scythe showed up in Buffy. Like, all of it. So really, the scythe being in Buffy is a nod to Fray, not the other way around. But what was the weapon called? “M?”? I’m going to watch after work…

I want the Serenity comics because they deal with the “Two by two, hands of blue…” guys. And Badger. I like Badger.

I’m really bored at work… maybe I’ll play some Collapse…
-another collapse relapse…

Added January 4, 2016
If I EVER had an album, there will be an instrumental song called “Another Collapse Relapse”.
I don’t know why I said “speaking of zombies” about LOST. I remember the rumor that there was going to be a “zombie season” but, man, that never happened so why did Young Skyler lie to the people?
If I was a bigger nerd than I am and had no girlfriend or life of any kind, I’d get a replica MÊ”, absolutely.
Never did buy those comics…

HM – While My Guitar Gently Knits a Sweater by the Fireside

Day 266: While My Guitar Gently Knits a Sweater by the Fireside

Long day… *groan*

Longer than I would have thought possible, actually…

Went for a walk “around” campus. As in, kinda off campus. Quite a distance. Huh.

I’m really tired, but I had to leave my room because stuff and now I have to type a paper when I’d rather just read The Goon.

Fray is a comic book by Joss Whedon and its about The Slayer years upon years into the future. It made me smile because the primary weapon Fray uses is the axe thing that Buffy used in the final episodes of the show (the one that made all potentials into Slayers through Willow’s magic). I liked Fray’s Watcher, too. Good readin’.

Tomorrow is Thursday… *groan*

I could go for some steak…
-nice, thick…

Added February 11, 2017
Jake Rundle. If you Google your name I hope you stumble on this site at some point and you complete the circle that is my really small world.
I wish I had some steak, now…

HM – Drake TV

wanna maybe see me every now and again?

or are you just a creepy lurker?

god, drake is stupid

Added February 11, 2017
Link doesn’t work, anymore.
Technology has advanced immeasurably over the last decade-and-change. It is scary, actually, to think about how simply we go along for the ride and don’t stop to really notice the changes, but if you step back and examine this note right here, a webcam on a crummy website was advanced and now I can watch stupid cat videos on a watch screen the size of a penny.

HM – An Evening with Ross

Day 264: An Evening With Ross


On the subject of beat-up wives sticking with abusive husbands:

Ross: “I give any woman I marry… If I’m mean to you, a bastard for 50 years… you can belt me everyday when I have a stroke.”
Someone: “Yeah, but you’d like that though…”
Ross: “I would! I’m that disturbing! I hope thats my future!”

On the subject of oversexualized youth:

Ross: “My God… I’m oversexualized… TO THE MAX!!

On the subject of “101 ways to please your woman”:

Ross: “Instead of telling her to hold her breath at climax, just put a bag over her head.”

On the subject of Ben & Jerry’s:

Ross: “One of my ex-girlfriends sold drugs out of a Ben & Jerry’s”

On the subject of breakups:

Ross: My last girlfriend didn’t even want to have sex anymore after we broke up… that’s why she’s a bi-itch!

Added February 11, 2017
Back in college I would have given anything to hang out with that dude, full-time. I thought he was so cool and funny.
Looking back at these quotes I’d jotted down during that stupid night class about “Reading/Writing Responsibility” (which he did make bearable, at least), I don’t think he was as funny as Young Skyler must’ve.

HM – Bet you Fifty Dollars I’m a Man, I’m a Scholar

Day 264: Bet You Fifty Dollars I’m a Man, I’m a Scholar

Its been another half/half day.

So far so good, though. I mean, I managed to wake up, get to Art, turn in a decent enough paper, make it to Lit Studies, reread the paper due there, go back to my computer, retype the first page, get back before class started (i had ten minutes), and workshopped a decent paper.

Tonight I’m worried about my night class.

I’m really nervous about this stupid poetry presentation… “chinese poetry interpretation and advanecment” sounds gross and boring. The fact that I selected (not on porpoise) the shortest section means I pretty much dug myself a bottomless pit of sorrow and pain… I have less to work with and fewer poets to use, meaning… well, less to work with. Add to this the fact that, oh yeah!, I hate poetry… well, I think you can see where this is going.

I’m really excited for sleep tonight, let me tell you.

I really wish I didn’t have Read/Write Drama today… I’d take a nap… I didn’t go to bed until about 3am and woke up at 8am. Whoops. The class today is basically a “show up, get points” kinda class and even though I would really rather take a nap, Mean ol’ Prof. Owens doesn’t allow any missed classes. Foo-fah!

Ok, bye
-yeeeeaaaah yeeeeaaah, he is franz kafka…

Added February 10, 2017
I can’t believe I posted that Mulholland Drive comic. Haha.
Young Skyler had problems sleeping and staying asleep or even going to bed at a reasonable hour. This is something I still struggle with (although these days if I fall asleep I mostly stay asleep).
Though last night I woke up after 20 minutes of sleep and had temporary amnesia for a few moments. I had no idea where I was, how long I’d been asleep, and my surroundings were completely alien to me.
Then I remember I’m Skyler and I kick ass and I went right back to sleep.