96. Elftor Goes to Saudi Arabia (3.13.2002)

Added February 13, 2017
Uh, this is so politically charged I can’t even process it properly.
It was ahead of its time in its overall level of sarcasm and racism.
I’m going to Tweet it to Trump.
See you in prison!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

8 thoughts on “HM – HOLY SHIT, ELFTOR YOU GUYS.”

  1. Egh, B- (not your usual caliber of work, see me after class).But seriously, thanks for the comment. I know exactly what you mean about the not-wanting-to-exist-for-a-while thing. It’s not suicidal, just that I don’t want to Be. And thanks for the music recommendation. I usually submerge myself in Weezer and Rivers Cuomo’s blog when I feel like this, but a change can most definitely be good.Also, thanks for the haircut compliment.What’s the deal with your family having so many (okay, at least 2) cool kids in it?


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