HM – “Xanga Break” Lasted Four Days. Color Me Impressed!

i’m pissed

My Comic:

Natalie Dee’s Comic:


Like this isn’t idea-stealing at its finest…

Added February 11, 2017
These are eerily similar…
Also: Updated broken Sticky Cat image and saved and re-uploaded the Natalie Dee comic so that there is proof for the ages.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

9 thoughts on “HM – “Xanga Break” Lasted Four Days. Color Me Impressed!”

  1. the sad thing is, yours is hilarious, and hers isn’t even .. close.”haha sticky cat ew i don’t want to touch him he’s sticky!”vs”…huh. it’s…a legs?”


  2. “the sad thing is, yours is hilarious, and hers isn’t even .. close.”Like 99% of her comics are boring as sin. The only one I liked was “Lesbianism. It’s not just for me and your mom anymore.”


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