HM – Micky Mouse Tree

Day 268: Micky Mouse Tree

I got up and went out to Benkleman(men?), NE and got a lot of beef-related meat products. Left at 6:40ish and got back at 1:30ish. Crazy.

My neck is still sore from moshing last night. That show was intense and insane. Fawesome.

I’m kinda sad and uncomfortable but its my own fault so I’m ok with it. Just something I need to work on.

Its killing me to not watch the TV. Bobo BoBobo or whatever the hell it is… the noises alone are fucked up as hell…

Ok, I’m going to go watch Unleashed, now. Catch you later, crotchjocky!
-you ass-hat, you…

Added February 11, 2017
I hate that Young Skyler didn’t spellcheck at all and so I have to leave that typo in the title.
I love that stupid Iron Man picture.
I hate that Young Skyler is using the “word” “fawesome”.
I love the movie Unleashed.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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