HM – Post-MSI Show

holy shit.

that concert was fawesome. i screamed and shouted and boy howdy did i mosh. got hit in the face with an elbow. it was cool.

holy junk, friends. my throat is still scratchy. boy did i sweat, too! and i got my cd booklets signed by Jimmy Urine. shook his hand, too which, afterwards, i kinda wished i hadn’t… i’ve heard… things

ok bed

Added February 11, 2017
In the comments there is a “glad to hear you had fun!” and I’m realizing for the first time how it must feel to be a complete outsider having read Young Skyler’s posts in real-time: depressing as fuck.
I’m glad you had fun, too, Young Skyler. Keep it up.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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