HM – Magic Versus Science? Please…

Day 266: Magic Versus Science? Please…

The Goon is an odd story… its about a guy that just beats people up and happens to also take place in a town full of zombies. You can’t go wrong with zombies!

Today my Drama class was cancelled and I did a little dance in my room when I found out. It meant I got to take a nap. Only I didn’t, on account’a my meeting with Spaulding went on for 40 minutes. It was a good meeting though, jokes and laughs and position statement papers and my writing and my classes and etc. And A History of Violence and how she’s going to let me focus on my newfound interest in why I am interested in violence and use that for my position statement. Which will be pretty cool, I’d wager.

LOST was different last night. Speaking of zombies…

Work is boring, these days. I just sit here wishing I had more comic books, which I don’t have. I play lots of collapse, though, which is kinda sucky because you can’t pause it at all, so any time I have to go the front desk or answer the phone, I have to hit refresh and start it over. Plus the constant clicking of the mouse kinda irks my coworkers from time to time. But they haven’t thrown a chair at me, yet. Well, not today anyhow.

Moonlighting is a well put together show from the 80s. Check it out.

This time tomorrow I’ll be heading to Lincoln. MSI tomorrow, bitches! Gabba-Gabba-Hey! Gabba-Click-Click-Click!

I am once again real excited to go to sleep tonight. I’m in a 50/50 kinda mood, full of sunshine and smiles, and am still really really tired.

I’m also overly-fascinated with the axe-scythe thing Buffy used at the end of the series. I remember seeing that for the first time and going “Wow. That thing looks damn cool…”. It was probably all the red and sliver and the wooden stake on the opposite end. When it showed up in Fray it took me forever to realize what it was. I mean, its on the cover and everything but I didn’t realize what it was until they came out and said it. The neat thing is, if you check your dates and facts, Fray was out first, before the axe-scythe showed up in Buffy. Like, all of it. So really, the scythe being in Buffy is a nod to Fray, not the other way around. But what was the weapon called? “M?”? I’m going to watch after work…

I want the Serenity comics because they deal with the “Two by two, hands of blue…” guys. And Badger. I like Badger.

I’m really bored at work… maybe I’ll play some Collapse…
-another collapse relapse…

Added January 4, 2016
If I EVER had an album, there will be an instrumental song called “Another Collapse Relapse”.
I don’t know why I said “speaking of zombies” about LOST. I remember the rumor that there was going to be a “zombie season” but, man, that never happened so why did Young Skyler lie to the people?
If I was a bigger nerd than I am and had no girlfriend or life of any kind, I’d get a replica , absolutely.
Never did buy those comics…

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2