HM – Drake TV

wanna maybe see me every now and again?

or are you just a creepy lurker?

god, drake is stupid

Added February 11, 2017
Link doesn’t work, anymore.
Technology has advanced immeasurably over the last decade-and-change. It is scary, actually, to think about how simply we go along for the ride and don’t stop to really notice the changes, but if you step back and examine this note right here, a webcam on a crummy website was advanced and now I can watch stupid cat videos on a watch screen the size of a penny.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

7 thoughts on “HM – Drake TV”

  1. hey.. i was controllin it.. but hey.. im a neerd shut in.. we have one.. but it just overlooks the union.. and it only refreshes ever 10 seconds, and we cant controll it.. but we found a website with all the traffic cameras.. and devin watched me drive to annas place on em..


  2. OMG that was so cool! I was controling the camera and saying such things as “Mwahaha! Hello little people of Drake! I see you! I am controling you through the magic of a webcam while being tousands of miles away!”
    Then I got freaked out cause someone else was controling the camera too…and zooming in on various girls.


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