HM – Bet you Fifty Dollars I’m a Man, I’m a Scholar

Day 264: Bet You Fifty Dollars I’m a Man, I’m a Scholar

Its been another half/half day.

So far so good, though. I mean, I managed to wake up, get to Art, turn in a decent enough paper, make it to Lit Studies, reread the paper due there, go back to my computer, retype the first page, get back before class started (i had ten minutes), and workshopped a decent paper.

Tonight I’m worried about my night class.

I’m really nervous about this stupid poetry presentation… “chinese poetry interpretation and advanecment” sounds gross and boring. The fact that I selected (not on porpoise) the shortest section means I pretty much dug myself a bottomless pit of sorrow and pain… I have less to work with and fewer poets to use, meaning… well, less to work with. Add to this the fact that, oh yeah!, I hate poetry… well, I think you can see where this is going.

I’m really excited for sleep tonight, let me tell you.

I really wish I didn’t have Read/Write Drama today… I’d take a nap… I didn’t go to bed until about 3am and woke up at 8am. Whoops. The class today is basically a “show up, get points” kinda class and even though I would really rather take a nap, Mean ol’ Prof. Owens doesn’t allow any missed classes. Foo-fah!

Ok, bye
-yeeeeaaaah yeeeeaaah, he is franz kafka…

Added February 10, 2017
I can’t believe I posted that Mulholland Drive comic. Haha.
Young Skyler had problems sleeping and staying asleep or even going to bed at a reasonable hour. This is something I still struggle with (although these days if I fall asleep I mostly stay asleep).
Though last night I woke up after 20 minutes of sleep and had temporary amnesia for a few moments. I had no idea where I was, how long I’d been asleep, and my surroundings were completely alien to me.
Then I remember I’m Skyler and I kick ass and I went right back to sleep.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

6 thoughts on “HM – Bet you Fifty Dollars I’m a Man, I’m a Scholar”

  1. Awww, poetry isn’t bad! You just have to learn how to appreciate it. I love poetry…I love lots of writing!
    The only thing I’ve read that I’ve ever hated (or at least, not appreciated) was Jane Austen’s Emma.
    You just CANNOT enjoy a book about ladies sitting around and giggling about balls.


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