HM – Crisis on Every Planet

Day 254: Crisis on Every Planet

Peter flew out of Omaha to Detroit (I always type “Detroid” instead… I guess I’m so used to typing Metroid…) today. He starts clinical rotation stuff out there, now. He was in Newton, IA for the past month-ish, so… yeah. He gets to have adventures and I don’t. Of course, he’s older and in med-school, so I won’t complain about lack of adventures… too much.

I want to play some Crystal Chronicles but no one will play it with me… boo hoo hoo…

I don’t know what I’m doing tonight, but I’m getting bored fast. Last time I was this bored I just drove home. I wonder what will happen tonight…
-eat a space…

Added February 10, 2017
That Young Skyler openly admits that he can’t spell Detroit because he types Metroid too often is just amazing and awful.
I do distinctly remember feeling left out of adventures and exploration, not by design but just by nature itself. These days, sometimes I get tired of those things and just want to stay at home, drink a beer, watch a shitty movie, and go to bed early.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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