this is from yesterday when jonna, daryl, and i fed birds french fries.

i’m sick.


Added February 13, 2017
There is a YouTube video of those birds, somewhere. But heaven help me if I can find it.
PS: Fuck you, CTRL-ALT-DEL – I had to go to your site to find that comic and it made me feel so dirty. Ugh.

HM – Potato Quality

NO ONE WANTED to take pictures tonight so this is all i’ve got. sorry.

i think the scar (above eye) looks pretty good, though. by the way i’m john hartigan from sin city

i danced a bit

i had drunk chicks try and make out with me and wanted to dance with me.

it was fun. saw a bunch of cool TKE people, and some other folk. enjoyable. and i had mad props given for the costume from a few people. every other sin city person must have gone to fiji, though… if thats how thats spelled.

they played some msi and stuff. it was kickin’

ok bedtime
(wow, longest post in a few days…)

Added February 13, 2017
Man, that hair. Jesus. I usually get into an argument with Aubrey every month or so about needing a haircut and I usually say “nah, it can wait a bit longer” but looking at this? I might get one, tonight after work.
Having said this, that costume turned out better than I remembered, especially considering I had no money to spend on it.
Also, shitty camera mean shitty picture quality.

Page 21 – Animal Attribute

Seven Lies Multiplied by Seven, Multiplied by Seven Again

So, a question I was asked the other day has been bouncing around in my brain for quite some time… long enough that I pose the question to you, dear readers:

“If you could have one animal attribute what would it be?”

I’m having a hard time thinking this one over. Its either radar senses (bat) or flight (all sorts of things… including kittens if they piss me off)


Added May 17, 2016
Today, my ability would be underwater breathing, like a fish. Gills and all. I love swimming, but I love breathing more.

HM – Guilty Pleasure Song Request

in a similar fashion to a post my friend austin made recently, i have a request.



name me a song that you love and is a “guilty pleasure”. something you would always listen to if it was on the radio or something you dance to in secret. but not something you’re overly proud to admit to liking. something that makes your soul sing but you might not be willing to share you love.



Juke Joint Jezebel – KMFDM
i can’t fucking stop. the song pretty much sucks but i’m cursed with loving it. i will sing to it in my car. i actually want this cd just for the song and i already have a burned copy of the album.

oh well.

Added February 13, 2017
These days? I don’t know what I’d consider “guilty pleasure” because I love everything I love and am not afraid to admit it. Possibly “Night Drive” from the “Drive” soundtrack? I don’t know.

HM – Shadow of the Colossus

Taking this thing down has been one of the most breathtaking experiences I’ve had in my own video game playing history. Climbing up this guy was a challenge and a half (the player is the little guy to the left, standing in a puddle of his own piss). I have not cursed at a video game this much since Super Mario Sunshine. Each and every Colossus out there, watch out!
also, doom was quite good

Added January 5, 2017
No, the Doom movie was not “quite good”.
I’m going to be starting Team Ico’s newest game, “The Last Guardian” soon so I thought I’d dig back and see what my experiences were like with their last game.
I’ve run through SotC twice and Ico once, but the teams second game is one of the greats. Just seeing the image of Gaius, there, is enough to get me excited about another run, so hopefully the new game is at least partially as exciting.

Added September 4, 2017
At E3 this year they announced a full remake of this game and I’m both optimistic and cautiously nervous about it. It isn’t being developed by Team Ico (at least not in a hands-on capacity) and I worry something will get lost. But my god does it look pretty.

HM – Headlines

wp-1486830805831.jpg wp-1486830817557.jpg wp-1486830814469.jpg wp-1486830811987.jpg wp-1486830809322.jpg
newspaper stuff stolen from Jay Leno’s Headlines page at

Added February 11, 2017
An example of a time in which Young Skyler had uploaded images to Xanga instead of using the original source. I have no way of telling what these were and for that I’m sorry.
The only one I’m certain of is the Harassment one. Thank god I have my old desktop hard drive files on Google Drive. The others are possibly correct as they were in the same folder as the top one, but there was like 30 in there, so I just picked some.

Added February 15, 2017
Somehow neglected to title this post, so there it is. Your welcome, EARTH.