HM – Me, Pete Bartels. I mean Skyler Bartels.

I just got back from Hastings. Again. Two days in a row.

I picked up this Beck album. Its hella good, like I knew it would be. I mean, its Beck. Granted, I haven’t even started listening to the sucker yet, but rest assured, when I do finally listen to it, it’ll be awesome.

I’ve got 1602 songs on my machine. Most all of them are owned by me, Pete Bartels. I mean Skyler Bartels. Maybe 15-20 of them are songs people sent me or things I downloaded. And each one of them makes me feel dirty.

Looks to be an interesting weekend or something. Oh, not really. Nevermind.

I rate this past week (seven day period) a 3/10.

Well, I’m going to the moon now. Later.

Added January 16, 2017
It is endearing how frequently Chelsea tried to talk to me in the comments, or get me to talk to her. Sorry, now, for all the leading on I did back then. I was a crude, mean fool that didn’t know what I wanted or what I was doing.

HM – Gloom Outside

gloom outside. how interesting that its been this dark two days in a row… or wait, was that yesterday that it was this dark or was that on tuesday? oh well.

oh man i still don’t have anything to say.

this has been a boring summer. not the way i’ve wanted it to go at all.

oh well.

steve, there are other things in life aside from world of warcraft.

my webcomic is almost done. sorry for the wait everybody.

oh man i still have nothing to say. ok, later

Added January 16, 2017
Life is only boring because you don’t make or find your own entertainment.
Get on with life, Young Skyler, or it’ll pass you by.

HM – Employed

I’m not fucked.


I know I will… because I’m on it

Starting Monday I’m a working person again. Should be interesting to see how training goes. If I got the position I wanted, I’ll be working nights, 9-2 (thats PM-AM). Should be cool.

Added January 16, 2017
Rather than discuss Young Skyler getting a job, I’m instead going to reverse Google that image because what the hell is it?!
Got it.
Sometimes the world just works the way I want it to.
Today is one such day.

HM – June 2005


One month down, two to go. Seems like a lifetime ago I was at school.

I wonder what, if any, adventures await me this month. Batman and more Star Wars, to be sure, but other than that? Who knows.

I think its about time to start the second draft of my completed novel. Or its getting close to being time, anyhow… that is going to take a metric fuckton of work, though… but it should be worth it.

Shopping today. Foodstuffs and flowers and junk. I really don’t have much else to say.

I need to get that job or I’m fucked.

Added January 16, 2017
Self-editing my own writing has never been my strong suit. It is one of the reasons I don’t write as much as I used to, now.