HM – Feelin’ Pretty Cummy on a Saturday* Night

Day 136: Feelin’ Pretty Crummy on a Saturday* Night
(*actually sunday)

Here’s to wishing my folks wouldn’t let me sleep in until almost 1:30! Cheers!

Well, goodbye Sunday. I had plans to go out and play Monopoly tonight with EC and Audra, but I might cancel, now. I already threw away my entire day by not actually getting started until around 2ish. I would have to shower and take care of all the house-work overly-fast and I’m not really into that, so Captain Poopies McTerwilliganpants.

Had a disturbing set of dreams in which I failed to save a sibling (not Pete or Zak or even Sarah, a made up dream-sibling) from stuff. Over and over again. Then I had one where Sarah was just in a coma and woke up and Yay! Everyone was happy. And I didn’t have to be sad about that anymore.

I’m thinking that if I can make it through my 20th October this year, I can maybe let go of a bunch of stuff and move on a little bit and not be so tied up to it. Yimminy Christmas, I hope its a flawless October…

Work tomorrow at 8 until 4. Booooooooring? Who knows. Then the same thing the next day. Then I start my 9pm-2am shift stuff on Wednesday and I hope its fun and I can do it most every night for the rest of the summer. Pay is good and 35 hour weeks (heheh, that’d kill me) all summer would = Skyler have money.

I had to move rocks with lots of bugs and worms and other crawlies on them today. It was gross and dirty and I will have nightmares.

Everytime I have a revelation I call Pete. Why? I don’t know…

Anywho, I guess its exactly one month until I’m 20. Oh well, not like I enjoyed my youth anyhow…
-end of transmission…

Added January 18, 2017
“And I didn’t have to be sad about that anymore” – Jesus Christ…
I still often times call Peter Bartels when I have a deep thought, but I don’t have them as much, these days. Either that means I don’t have revelations anymore or I know everything. I prefer the latter.

HM – [Your Name Here]

Day 135: [Your Name Here]

Am I a flying monkey? Oh, no. That was just a dream. A wonderful, wonderful dream…

Teen Titans!

More house-based work this weekend, then actual work on Monday. Waking up by 7 for training is going to kill me. The last time I woke up to go somewhere, I would roll out a half hour before, but with a half hour drive before me, I guess I’ll have to get up earlier. Phooter chute.

Slade is pretty cool. Teen Titans has its moments.

I am ready for some rockin’ good times. This means:
-Time for mooooooooore sleeping in!

These posts these days are just random thoughts, nothing collected. Interesting. Oh well.

Anyhow, I guess I’m going to go… read… white ninja, now.
-who is captain apathy…?

Added January 17, 2017
“Phooter Chute”
“Teen Titans” used to be this amazing, deep show with rich characters and scenarios. Now its just a messy, stupid antics show with none of the original magic. Alas.
Which White Ninja comic was that, I wonder…
Since the website moved all the old comics, I had to do a little digging. Here it is:

HM – Young Skyler Reaches the “Breaking Point”

You ever plan something you know is going to be stupid and hurtful to yourself, but know you’re going to go ahead and do it anyhow?


I’m on that path as I type this.


There is a painful pang in my left side bringing back all the paranoia I have about females. How they are in control and how they dominate everything about a relationship through smoke and mirrors. How evil and manipulative and just plain mean they are.

While this has not been the case in my relationship thus far… the fear is there…

I can’t think straight right now and the only person I want to talk to is always “busy at the moment” and I can’t talk through my problems. I need to talk to her. I’m reaching a breaking point.

Fuck. I’m such a lost cause sometimes…

Added January 17, 2017
Young Skyler had no idea how to function in a relationship and he absolutely didn’t have any clue how to function outside of one, either. So this constant state of flux was no good.
Thankfully it didn’t last that long.

HM – Starting a New Job

My dad comes back from DC today.

Uuuuh oooooh, I’m out of things to say, already? Thats just sad, man…

Uh, in almost one month I’m 20. Not too excited about that. The upside is, by the time I’m 20, I’ll have seen Star Wars five times and seen the new Batman at least once. No complaints there.

I start training on Monday. Could be lots of fun or lots of not-fun. Who knows? Its paid training, though, 20 hours worth. If the rate is the same as the job I’m going to get, thats a hefty chunk-a cash down. I’ll need it. Cars don’t pay for themselves… unless they’re Autobots…

[update – 2:13PM]
I just got a call from my employer… training Mon-Tues from 8-4, then I start the night shift on Wednesday. That doesn’t give me much time to get into the swing of things, does it? Who will stay up with me all night Tuesday!

Well, I’ve gone from 0 to Boring in about three minutes. Later, jerks
-titles will be back soon, too…

Added January 17, 2017
I remember thinking that minimum wage job was going to be amazing for me in every possible way.
I also remember hating it within days.

HM – Quest

There comes a time in every young man’s life when he asks himself:

“What can I give the world that it doesn’t already have?”
“What can I show the world that it haven’t already seen?”
“What can I tell the world that it hasn’t already heard?”

“and what if the answer to all three questions is ‘nothing’?”







I’m going on a quest.

Added January 17, 2017
The quest never ends.
Some times even young, but-not-that-young men ask the same questions, and worry about the same conclusions.

HM – Dry, Gross Biscuits

i had to make some edits to the picture…

these are the closest i can get to my chocolate pringles. they taste (hella) good and make my mouth water for more as i eat them. so i guess i’m getting close. i guess i just need to figure out how to make oreo cookies (just the cookie, not the cream) and then learn how to make them in chip form.

i’m doomed

Added January 16, 2017
These things are gross and chocolate Pringles are gross concepts.
But I LOVE that Rachel rambled in the comments about nothing and Young Skyler called her out. I still have no idea how her comments are relevant and at this point, it is not worth exploring.

HM – Cyanide Girl

I saw her, yeah I saw her with her black tongue tied
Round the roses
Fist pounding on a vending machine
Toy diamond ring stuck on her finger
With a noose she can hang from the sun
And put it out with her dark sunglasses
Walking crooked down the beach
She spits on the sand where their bones are bleaching
And I know I’m gonna steal her eye
She doesn’t even know what’s wrong
And I know I’m gonna make her die
Take her where her soul belongs
And I know I’m gonna steal her eye
Nothing that I wouldn’t try

My summer girl
My summer girl

I saw her, yeah I saw her with her hands tied back
And her rags were burning
Crawling out from a landfilled life
Scrawlin her name upon the ceiling
Throw a coin in a fountain of dust
White noise, her ears are ringing
Got a ticket for a midnight hanging
Throw a bullet from a freight train leaving
And I know I’m gonna steal her eye
She doesn’t even know what’s wrong
And I know I’m gonna make her die
Take her where her soul belongs
And I know I’m gonna steal her eye
Nothing that I would not try

My summer girl

these lyrics don’t really work the magic without the music. but its just lovely. Beck = a hero for a new generation, yesterday


…i hate when people post lyrics on their sites… i guess i suck

i guess i’m pretty upset. oh well.

Added January 16, 2017
I am a firm believer that the lyrics are “Cyanide Girl” and not “Summer Girl” but only so I can get on one bandwagon or the other.