HM – LEGO History

this summer i want to write a comprehensive history of all things Lego that have happened in this house.


there are probably thousands of years worth of events, people, countries, kingdoms, wars, space travel, and so on and so forth.


we had a living world. and i really miss it. and the characters.


i miss my earlier youth.

Added January 23, 2017
I love when Young Skyler hits the nail on the head. “I miss my earlier youth” is something I grapple with to this very day.
The history of our LEGO world was and is forever tainted by my older brother, Pete’s,  incessant need to be the best at everything and to always have the upper hand. Example:
He had a super-hero named Mighty Man; speed, strength, and almost invulnerable. I made a guy who had the power to change the kind of energy his weapon produced to exploit any weakness and he was going to take out a bank full of people.
Mighty Man stepped in and said “you may shoot me instead of this bank full of civilians if you let them go” and of course I wanted to kill Pete’s dude. I shot him in the chest and – of course – Pete was prepared.
In comes his top scientist guy (whose power was that he was smarter than everyone else, no matter what. Seriously) who was already ready already with a special plate armor and retrofitted Mighty Man to make him survive the attack. With no major problems in the end.
Fuck you, Pete.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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