deviantart – Goodbye

Dear deviantART,

Hi, its me, Skyler Bartels. We’ve had plenty of happy times in the past, you and I, but the time has come for me to move on. The days of Jesus Time and Age 19 were grand, yes, but you and I just need some time apart and, well gosh, I think this could be it.

I have packed my bags and have already begun the move to my new home, where I will continue drawing comics on my own time.

I hope you can survive without me, deviantART, but if anyone can make it, its you. You have plenty of friends that can support you. You’re strong and always have been. I look forward to seeing great things from you.

I will keep in contact, but for now, I just need to put some space between us. Enjoy life, deviantART.


Added February 28, 2017
I had, at my best, like six people that followed me. This letter was a bit presumptuous, wasn’t it?
As always, that address is dead and leads to nothing of interest.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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