deviantart – Mirror

You ever get one of those feelings when you look in a mirror and you really, really don’t think what you see fits the personality, mindset, thought-patterns, and creative ability of the person you know you’re looking at?

Yeah, me either.

Anyhow, Age 19 is taking a turn for the better, I think, with new 4-panel episodes. This is due to a fanbase growing around the new female character. Since I figure the comic-Skyler shouldn’t be as lame as I am, I decided to give him a steady girlfriend.

But I don’t have a name, yet. Any suggestions would be entertained.

Also of note: these 4-panels take longer to draw so they will only be updated on a Mon/Wed/Fri basis with some standard Age 19’s thrown around inbetween. Don’t think this means the end of Sticky-Cat, though. He will return and finish his adventure in the near future.

Anyhow, much love to anyone that reads me or checks my art. Sneak peek of Monday’s comic for y’all, too!

Added February 28, 2017
I did enjoy, back in the day, getting comments from people. I think I will likely upload all the images and comments on this archive. Just have to look at how much content there is and go from there.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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