Page 21 – Catch Up > Date

More Than A Feeling

Erin: good detective work, ma’am! Oh, and the background is from the game “Chrono Trigger” (if you couldn’t figure that out…)

I went to school today and talked “college” with the sophmore class. With me today was Eric Chloupek, Brandi Owens, Kyle Williamson, Audra… uh… Audra, and Keith Perkins. That was fun.

Later I ran into Amber Tobler at Wal-Mart. That was fun.

Tonight I’m going to play Monopoly with Chloupek and Audra. That will be fun.

Tomorrow I will ride to Clay Center. Then I don’t know… I’ll finally watch Return of the King EE? Who knows?

A funny quote I said on the way home from Hastings:
“Lots of girls wanna catch up with me, none of them will date me…”
-Ok, it was funny when I said it…

Added June 22, 2016
I barely remember doing that sit-in with the Sophmore class but I’m sure I provided hilarious answers to dumb questions. That’s my thing!
Now I want to play Chrono Trigger!
Wonder why I was “riding” to Clay Center? Something with my mom? Who knows.
Who cares?

Page 21 – Flirting by Providing Free IT Service


Uh oh, Erin you’d better talk to me about your “issues.” Don’t try to rid your computer of that virus until you know what it does!
-real post… later…

Added June 22, 2016
Another example of me doting on someone who would never return my affections. Oh well! I think I got soda out of it, usually. Free soda!

Page 21 – A Gamecube Game List

I‘ve Got It

I know why I like VAST’s first album so much. It’s because it makes me feel dirty and uncomfortable and such all at the same time. Tracks 3 (Dirty Hole) and 4 (Pretty When You Cry?) alone make me feel slightly ill. But only slightly.

Before you go “Golly gee-whiz, that Skyler is a mutant freak for liking stuff that makes him feel sick and dirty! What a bastard!” understand that I don’t like feeling that way. It’s because this album can make me feel that way that I like it.

There are two other albums that, as a whole album, make me feel certain ways during and after, Hooverphonic’s “A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular” (will always turn my mood around, no matter what it is) and Abbey Road by the Beatles (the best album ever made. EVER!!!!).

So, there you have it. Now,
-go away!

Added June 22, 2016
Man that list of games. Billy fuckin’ Hatcher?
I should listen to that VAST album in its entirety, again. Been a long, long time. And what I say about ANSSS is as true today as it ever has been. Happy? Sad. Sad? Happy. No in-between.

Page 21 – Proclamation of Craziness, Level: Bat-shit

I Return A Stronger Man. Or At Least, I Like To Think I Have…

Tomorrow I’m going to pick up Tzarina who was at the vet while I was at my aunt’s. Yeehaa. While I was there I recieved a DVD version of Braveheart and that is a kickass movie. Maybe one of the all time Top 10 films ever made.

Peter will be here tomorrow. When? Who knows? Who cares?

I want a jet or a solid gold rocket house for Christmas. I think I’m “batshit crazy!”

I think I’m sick. Barf.

What, Erin? Did you miss me? Awwwww….. I’m sorry. I’ll be home all week, now.

VAST’s first album actually ended up being better than I thought it was the first time I listened to it. And the live Hooverphonic album is actually a touch more lame than I remembered. But I listened to every Hooverphonic CD I own one the way home, today. It was nice. “Battersea” is their best song. I never found its meaning until today. It is now heads-and-shoulders above the rest of their stuff.

We got the EE of Return of the King. I have to wait for Mr. McStinky-Farts (Peter) to watch it. Poop on him. Please?

Uhm… I’m gonna play Monopoly on Wednesday night (early evening, maybe?). That’ll be cool.

I played with my four-year-old cousin until the first hours of Sunday morning this weekend. That kid never shuts off. I haven’t been that tired in years and I used to not sleep at all in high school.

But I think I’m gonna go, now. I got… stuff… to do…
-at least I wish I did…

Added June 22, 2016
I haven’t seen Braveheart in years. I should watch that again when Aubrey heads to Iowa before me, this August.
I think I played Monopoly with Audra and The Artist Formerly Known as Eric Chloupek over every Xmas break I had from Drake. I miss those sessions.

Page 21 – Meef


I don’t know what that word means.

Went to Zak’s winter concert. Heh. Aside from him mostly all of it was average. ‘cept for the small groups.  Knappy Roots and Emily Chloupek both did really well. w00t! props, you two.

I’m going through Des Moines tomorrow on my way to my aunt’s house in Il. That’ll be, uh, fun? Then its the final week before Christmas. That’ll be, uh, fun? Yeah, I think so.

Free iPod, eh Xanga?? I sure could go for a free iPod… like I could go for a hole in my gut. The size of a baseball. Leaking blood. Onto the carpet. Where someone will slip in it.

I’m suddenly alive with ideas for writing! It’s great! It’s like the ideas flood out of my brain and right into my hands and I can now draw every image perfectly with words. Oh my God, yes. There is nothing better on Earth than having what you’re good at and love doing come so naturally. Sweet Jesus in a haystack, its fun to write!

Uhm… Err… I forgot what I was gonna say here…. whoops…

Got Zak started on Half-Life 2. I love watching people play through that game. Its a really great game. Final Fantasy VII, eat your heart out? It would be really interesting to watch someone eat their own heart out. I would pay for that show, I think…

Anyhow, I’m not gonna keep this ramble going for too much longer. See everyone later!
-and then he ran away…

Added June 22, 2016
Young Skyler was so anti-Apple. Tsk tsk. This iPod I’ve had for about a decade is one of my closest friends.
Half-Life 2 is now my pick for best game, ever. Or at least it was when I did my last list a few years back. Undertale and Witcher 3 might have something to say, but we’ll see how time treats those titles.

Page 21 – Redneck Half-Life 2 Player

10lbs. of Stupid in Every Cup!

So I brought my Computer home and my mother’s all “i don’t want it set up.” So I figure, “ok, but just check this out, quick:”

Yeah, thats right… the keyboard is sitting on a TV tray and a box. So what? I think its a pretty good makeshift desk, don’t you?!?!

That is sooooooo totally out of the way, mom. You’ll see it when you get home!


Added June 22, 2016
Oh… my… god…
That is hilarious!

Added August 25, 2017
Stupid Photobucket was being stupid so I uploaded the image directly to WordPress. For posterity. Because this? This needs to be seen.

Page 21 – First Semester… Over!

I Is Home

Well I didn’t fail it (even though Colin sure did want to try to make me…)

I’m home. w00t w00t!

Uhm… catch everyone later!
-harvard’s christmas concert tomorrow…

Added June 22, 2016
Oh, Harvard Christmas Concerts. Only one more after this, Young Skyler. You can do it!
That drive home after that first semester was so exciting. Nothing quite like a month-long break to help cure rampant paranoid conspiracy disease (PCD).

Page 21 – Some Nerdy Lust and Discourse

Almost Done…

So close to being outta here. Gotta go to work in the morning, take my Poli Sci final, pack up, and get the crap outta here. WOOOHOOOOOOO! A month off!

I went and saw Ocean’s 12 last night. It’s pretty good. I’d ForM it but… I don’t know, maybe later?

I’m gonna try to get a Jesus Time up one a week. I’ve finally got all the characters in “templates” which means I don’t have to go through all the painstaking work I used to have to go through to get one done. Now that that’s out of the way, it should be fairly easy to do the rest of it.


I found a non-plastic wrapped “Raising the Bar” book today while at one of the malls. I about drooled in it. If I don’t get that for Christmas I’m going out and buying it first thing the next day. At least, if I can find it…

Was in Best Buy and saw about ninty DVD’s I wish I owned. Oh fiddlesticks…

Spider-Man could not beat up Thanos. No way in hell!
-maybe Thor, but Spider-Man…?

Added June 22, 2016
That Half-Life book is one of the greatest hardcovers in my collection. I treasure and care for that book like a parent to a child.
And yeah, Spider-Man v Thanos? Uh, who even thought this was a question?