deviantart – Poop

I’m in an off-place…

I’m sad, in a lot of ways, because of 2004. Not that I’ll miss it, but because the year itself was just… sad for me. Lots of ups and major downs. Some people died, the day my sister died (which was 2 years ago) came and went. October drug on and on and on (I hate that month)…

I was very depressed and hated myself for a huge chunk’a time in early 2004. Very sad’n stuff. I guess… I’m glad to see it go. I wasted the entire year…

2005 will be different (I hope). More productive, more “on the level.” But I have changes to make. So I will see everyone again around the 20th of this month. But, maybe, there will be some random Age 19s floating around…

Have a good new year’s everyone

Added February 28, 2017
Young Skyler was always in an “off place”.
I assume I was waiting for Jan 20th so I could get back to Drake.
2004 was a rough start to college and “adulthood” but, well, if you’ve followed this archive at all (in chronological order, at least), you know this of Young Skyler’s journey. It gets better, if you’re just joining us. But it has to get a lot worse, first.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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