Page 21 – Roll My Eyes and Get a Soda

Back…. Front…. Left side, Right side…

Hey, its Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. And I could win an iPod. how dumb…

Well, Erin’s computer is done and running. At least, it runs here. I was up until 4:30am working on it and booooy did I have fun. And I got it done today at around 4:30. I’ve been watching Angel ever since. There is a song by VAST in the second episode. Its “Touched,” and it kicks serious ass.

Tonight I’m watching Garden State and then I will be watching Spider-Man 2 with commentary. I watched the first one with commentary last night and it was awesome. I also have Resident Evil 2 and Hero to watch. Both are great movies of equal quality.

Been reading “Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy” a bit the past few nights. When I heard about it, I thought it was going to be a ha-ha fest. But its not. Its intellectual essays. And they’re damn good, too.

My car’s speakers and amp are fixed. I finally have sound.

Well, I guess I’m done, here. I will talk to you later.
-Woop woop woop!

Added June 22, 2016
In the end, the best Christmas gift I got this year was sound in my car. I believe I blew mine out, initially, by blasting music. My back, right speaker worked, everything else was tinny scratching sounds. This fix was amazing.
That car lasted me another three years, so it was good to have sound.
Jeremiah’s comment DOES make me laugh, these days. But I also got a soda, again, when I read it just now.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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